Friday, May 25, 2012

Facebook to offer Like Button on individual brand page posts

A few Facebook users have reported seeing a ‘Like’ button on individual posts by brand pages - this small button could be a large opportunity for advertisers and page managers. First reported by the social advertising firm AlphaBoost, this could be help to attract new fans, who are interested in a post’s content. It eliminates the extra step of having to visit a page in order to like it, and is sure to boost engagement and impressions.
By adding features like these which, though small, can prove to have high value for brand pages, Facebook is continuing to make it worthwhile for advertisers to pump in money for social ads and sponsored stories. The ‘Like’ button is expected to be made available for all sponsored stories soon.
The recent announcement of auto company General Motors, that it ispulling $10 million worth advertising dollars off the platform, citing the reason as ineffective advertising, gave rise to a lot of questioning about Facebook’s advertising models.
However, their other major advertisers, Ford and Chrysler didn’t follow suit, and maintained that it was a good advertising platform.
“We’ve found Facebook ads to be very effective when strategically combined with engagement, great content and innovative ways of storytelling, rather than treating them as a straight media buy. We continue to have a strong, collaborative relationship with Facebook, which includes first-of-a-kind vehicle reveals, advertising and innovative ways of sharing content. Our engineers have also been working with Facebook engineers to develop unique and safer ways of integrating the car experience with Facebook.” - Scott Monty, head of social media for Ford.
Are you, as a marketer, satisfied with Facebook’s advertising? Do you think you get value for your money? Are there any changes that you would like to see Facebook incorporate? Tell us your thoughts on this.

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