Sunday, May 20, 2012

Why Your SEO & Social Strategy Should Include Pinterest

Over the past two years, Pinterest has become a major factor in the online social space. The growth of Pinterest has gone from just over 4 million active users at the end of 2011 (according to their Facebook page) to just over 8.3 million active users currently.
Pinterest is the third most popular social website (Experian traffic report April 2012), just behind Twitter and Facebook. In just over six months, Pinterest has become more popular than LinkedIn, Foursquare, Instagram, and Google+ (based on traffic volume).

Pinterest Audience Is Growing

With all the growth Pinterest has received domestically, the company is now looking to go global. Currently, they are looking to add French, German, Japanese, Portuguese and Spanish.
Also, another factor to consider is the growth of the male demographic on Pinterest. In September 2011 74 percent of the user base on Pinterest was female and 25 percent of the gender was male.
Fast forward to March 2012, the numbers are starting to shift to a more balanced gender viewership with 65 percent of the base being female, and 35 percent of the base being male (according to comScore March 2012). Also, during this time you will notice on the graphs below that overall age range of users in the 35-54 range has grown five percent.
Pinterest is growing in overall volume, becoming more gender balanced, increasing its age group range, and building out a global community. Much as Facebook and Twitter are a general part of your SEO/social strategy, so should Pinterest.

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