Monday, July 2, 2012

Hitwise Says Google Search Share Down 5% Year Over Year

Image representing Google as depicted in Crunc...
Image via CrunchBase

As Google celebrates the introduction of Jelly Bean, the progress of Project Glass and the birthday of Google+, it may have to take a bit of party-pooping news from the latest search market share data from Experian Hitwise regarding May’s search share numbers. 

The chart below says it all.
Google search is down 5% while Bing powered search is up 5% but still has under 30% of total search share at 28%.
As it is with every delivery of this kind of data each month, you can determine whether this is the beginning of the end of Google or whatever. Let’s just say that even with a hiccup like this in the year over year data Google is not terribly concerned. What is going to be more concerning will be if Apple takes a bite out of that 95% share of mobile search. Now that will be a story.

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