Sunday, September 9, 2012

Bing It On! Bing Goes Toe-to-Toe Against Google

A recent study conducted by Microsoft showed people prefer Bing search results nearly 2-to-1 over Google's results. According to the survey, even those who thought they preferred Google, chose Bing. Based on these results, Microsoft is on a quest to tell the world and change perception.
In their latest campaign, Microsoft is launching a blind "taste test" of sorts pitting Bing against Google in a modern take on the classic Pepsi Challenge.

Bing It On is a side-by-side search engine comparison. You pick a term to search on – or enter your own. After, two sets of results are delivered. You then select a winner, the left side or the right. You may also declare the results a "draw." At the end of the five "rounds", you see which search engine you chose for each of the five queries.
A video posted to the Bing It On site depicts random people on the street identifying Google as their preferred search engine, then choosing Bing's search results as better and more relevant.
The search engine survey was conducted by San Diego-based Answers Research using a sampling of nearly 1,000 people, ages 18 and older from across the United States who used a major search engine in the past 30 days. The respondents were not told any company was involved.
In the survey, each respondent was asked for 10 search queries of their own choosing and displayed side-by-side results with all branding, snapshot, social and Knowledge Graph info removed.
Out of the 1,000 participants, 57.4 percent chose Bing, 30.2 percent chose Google and 12.4 percent saw no preference in the results. The survey had a margin of error of only 2 percent.
Speaking to Search Engine Watch, Bing Director Stephan Weitz referenced the survey results and suggests this campaign is to get the conversation started.
"Google is such a habit, people don't think of the choice of engine they're making," he said. "People have told us they prefer Bing's results at a 2 to 1 margin. We encourage everyone to take the test for themselves to see if they agree."
