Tuesday, October 2, 2012

5 Unconventional Ways to Build Your Network with Social Media

If you’ve ever moved somewhere new, you know how hard it can be to make new friends and connections. But thanks to the social web, we have endless opportunities to connect, reach out, collaborate and meet (yes–in person!) new people, no matter where we are.
Even if you didn’t just move, you can always strengthen existing networks. The thing I love about the five unconventional social media approaches below is that they can lead to real relationships that enhance your life and work.
1. Twitter
There are so many ways to connect with people through Twitter. If you’re trying to build a local network or friend group, the key is to start following people from your area. Find those people who are “hubs” for discussion and activity in your area of expertise. Find out about events and go to them. Let people know on Twitter that you’re going to an event and ask if anyone will be there. Join a local Twitter Chat. Organize a Twitter meetup, or a Tweetup.
You can even send someone a direct message and ask if they want to grab coffee or drinks to continue a discussion. If they’re an active social media user, they won’t think it’s weird (I did this last week). And who knows– it could be a future collaborator, mentor or friend.
2. CouchSurfing
If you haven’t tried CouchSurfing, you might think it sounds kind of sketchy–it connects people who have couches (or extra beds, floorspace etc.) with people who need a place to stay when they travel. But apart from being surprisingly safe, CouchSurfing is a vibrant community of like-minded, curious people who want to “meet and adventure with new friends around the world.”  When you CouchSurf with someone, it’s expected that you’ll hang out with them, and hopefully teach them something. I met one of my best friends on CouchSurfing four years ago in Paris, and we’re still close.
You don’t have to travel to meet people on CouchSurfing. Check our CouchSurfing’s activities section or search for locals to meet up with people in your area. According to the site, “many CouchSurfers are available for casual hangouts, like sharing a meal or getting coffee.”
3. Skillshare
Skillshare started as a way for people to teach and share in their communities by hosting in-person, peer-to-peer classes. According to the site:
“Skillshare is fueled by the passion and commitment of regular people all over the world. Anyone with experience and knowledge to share can teach a class, and any place can be a classroom — a co-working space, coffee shop, garage or conference room.”
Since people often stay after to mingle, these classes can be a great way to meet interesting, driven people like you. But keep in mind that Skillshare is above all about knowledge sharing, not networking. Don’t expect to go to a class and find a job or pass out business cards.
Skillshare’s most “vibrant communities” are in New York and San Francisco, but if your city is lacking a Skillshare community, start one by hosting a class. Recently, Skillshare launched its “hybrid classes,” or online, project-based learning coupled with local, in-person workshops. So no matter where you are, you can be a part of the community.
4. Facebook
Depending on how many friends you have on Facebook, a simple status update (“Just moved to Texarkana! Anybody here?”) could lead to an unexpected new friend. Chances are, someone among your 900 friends has a cousin or sibling who lives there who would be happy to show you around.
Want to go see that obscure progressive rock band but don’t know anyone who likes them? Throw it out there on Facebook and you may find yourself a concert buddy.
5. Online Dating
Even if you’re not looking for a relationship, online dating sites like OkCupid can be a great way to meet like-minded people. It’s all in how you frame your profile–let people know that you’re looking for activity partners or a friend who wants to explore. You may be surprised what it brings you.
As Meetup co-founder Scott Heiferman said recently at the Social Good Summit in New York, “with short-attention spans on the social web, the things that endure are the relationships and communities built online.” Tools that enable that kind of relationship and community-building are only becoming more common. So get online or visit a shared work space and start growing your networks today!

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