Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Optimize Pinterest To Make Your Social Media Strategy Sizzle!

Well, engagement is the name of the social media marketing game — the more engagement, the more you attract loyal customers and the more amplification spreading your message. Sounds great, right? But, how do you get your target market engaged? Well, try Pinterest.

What is Pinterest?

For the few of you who may not have heard about Pinterest, it’s the newest social media platform that’s taking the world by storm. Pinterest, is a simple pinboard, like you may have had up in your dorm room in college — a cork board to remind you of the next mixer or that term paper due next week.

But, Pinterest is more than an electronic pinboard. It’s addictive and its greatest adherents are WOMEN. The average user, and there are millions of them (in fact, Pinterest grew faster than any of the social media platforms to date), pins 200 pins/ month and the average pin attracts attention for a week, as compared to Twitter’s 5-25 minutes or Facebook’s 80 minutes. That’s a LOT of exposure for your brand.

What are folks Pinning?

Pinterest is really popular for wish lists and to keep family and friends abreast of what’s going on. Brides use it to let everyone know about their wedding plans and it acts as an online bridal registry that crosses different brands and retailers. Pinterest also gives the bridal party input on dresses, flowers, colors, etc by Pinning options and giving folks a chance to vote or comments. Planning baby showers and other life events is also popular on Pinterest.

Optimize Pinterest to Make Your Social Media Strategy SIZZLE!

Folks love posting their wish list for birthdays and holiday gifts, which makes things easier for both givers and recipient. People also like to share deals they’ve found so their friends can get in on the action.

In fact, the overarching theme of Pinterest is aspirational — it’s a place for folks to pin their desired selves, their wishes, their hopes, their dreams. This means Pinterest is overwhelmingly positive, with less than 1% negative comments — as compared with Twitter, which is the #1 outlet for customer complaints online, and Facebook, which faces increasing pressure to create a “DISLIKE” button from users.

How brands can succeed on Pinterest.

As with other social media marketing efforts, the key to succeeding with Pinterest is creating quality content.

The major advantage for brands on Pinterest is that they’re natively included — people frequently mention brands and pin images of branded products. This offers lots of opportunity for social media engagement with Pinners.

  • Reward pinners with special offers, discounts or simply recognize pinners who mention your brand.

  • Integrate the Pinterest button on your content and create engaging images to encourage pinning.

  • Share your Pin-worthy content on your existing channels to encourage pinning.
  • Create contests where charities benefit based on pinning activity
  • Done right, Pinterest can generate 14X the referrals/user as Facebook.
You’ll also generate more revenue/user. The average revenue/user on Twitter was $69; $80 on 

Facebook and a whopping $179/ user on Pinterest.

Building your brand on Pinterest

You need to create content for your users and engage them for the long run to earn their trust. How do you do that?

In the next week:

  • Share 5 things you LOVE on Pinterest.
  • Share 5 things that are hard to find on Pinterest.
  • Share 2 things about you on Pinterest.

Now, repeat that every week and you’ll find Pinterest a great social media marketing vehicle for your brand.

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