Each year Erik Qualman, author of Socialnomics, releases a sweet infographic-style video with the latest and greatest social media stats called ‘Social Media Revolution’.  The latest installment, ‘Social Media Video 2013’, hit YouTube today and it’s chock-full of crazy impressive statistics.  We’ve compiled a list of 10 of the most mind-blowing stats revealed in Qualman’s latest video.  Enjoy!

1. With 1 billion users, Facebook is the third largest country in the world

2. Each day 20% of Google searches have never been searched before

3. 1 in 5 couples meet online; 3 in 5 gay couples meet online; 1 in 5 divorces are blamed on Facebook

4. Social gamers will buy $6 billion in virtual goods by 2013; as basis for comparison, moviegoers will only buy $2.5 billion in real goods

5. If Wikipedia were made into a book it would be 2.25 million pages long

6. Lady Gaga, Justin Bieber and Katy Perry have more Twitter followers than the entire populations of Germany, Turkey, South Africa, Canada, Argentina and Egypt

7. Babies in Egypt have been named Facebook and Twitter

8. The Ford Explorer launch on Facebook generated more traffic than a Super Bowl ad

9. 90% of consumers trust peer recommendations while only 14% trust advertisements

10. Generations Y and Z consider email passé and some universities have even stopped distributing email accounts

Check out the video below for more mind-blowing social media statistics