Thursday, November 29, 2012

What Is A Social Media Strategy?

Over the last few weeks I’ve been working with clients on setting up a social media strategy for their business and it’s become very apparent that they have very little idea of what a social media strategy is.
So before I tell you exactly what a social media strategy is let me tell you what it definitely is not:
  • A social media strategy is not setting up a Facebook account, spamming your friends about it and then posting content any time you are available.
  • A social media strategy is not setting up a like gate and then forcing people to like you in return for some cheap bribe
  • A social media strategy is not consistently posting images and articles to your wall which sell your products to your fans
I know that this list of things NOT to do seems very simple but I am finding that more and more businesses just don’t “get” social media.  They think that it’s a place they can get a quick pay off and generate HUGE returns.
Now don’t get me wrong, a well thought out and planned Social Media strategy will get great results but it’s important to note that the results are not INSTANT and they take time and investment.
If you want to create an effective social media strategy then you need to understand the core of social media which is creating a connection with your audience, then engaging them with your page and then finally converting them to a sale. 
This three step process doesn’t happen in just hours or even just days it happens over a course of time.  The good news is though, if you do it well and create a great environment the rewards are almost endless.
So don’t approach your social media strategy with the hopes of a quick pay off, understand that it’s a long term investment just like SEO.  If you do it right and follow the rules you’ll get the result you desire but if you try and take short cuts you’ll ultimately fail.


Unknown said...

Nice Sharing. I like your post

Unknown said...

How can i expand my business online grocery store with social media