Friday, December 28, 2012

HootSuite: Maximize Your Social Media Efforts

Marketing has shifted from a one-way communication effort from marketing firms, towards a seamless conversation between the company and its target market. Social media has made marketing a fluid, transparent public relations effort that should not be ignored. However, there are many social media platforms available and businesses find it difficult to stay active on all relevant channels. Hootsuite aims to solve this problem through its integrative feature set.
Hootsuite is free to use if you plan on managing 5 or less social media profiles. Users who are looking to add more profiles should opt for the Pro Plan, which costs $9.99/month with a 30-day Free Trial. Once you have created your account, users will be presented with their Hootsuite Dashboard. From here, you can add all of your social media accounts from Hootsuite’s wide range of supported platforms, including:

  • Twitter
  • Facebook
  • Google Plus
  • LinkedIn
  • foursquare
  • WordPress
  • MySpace
  • Mixi

The Streams view of Hootsuite is your window into your target market’s activity. Click “Add Stream” to monitor a specific keyword, group, mention, etc. This tool is pivotal in replying to users’ questions and joining relevant discussions to build your online presence.

One of Hootsuite’s most powerful features is the ability to schedule future posts and cater them towards each particular social media platform’s strengths via the “Publisher” feature. This way, companies can create and execute a complete social strategy of how they will reveal their new product, promote their upcoming business event, or disperse a promotional initiative. Posts can be customized for each platform so that Twitter posts can include hashtags and mentions (@Mentor_Works) and Facebook can include pictures and locations, etc.

Once you have joined discussions via direct messages and promoted your company’s initiatives via Publisher – Analytics now quantifies your effort. Through this feature, you have access to preset analytics and the option of creating custom reports. Reports include helpful feedback such as your click through rate, demographics, sharing rate, and more.

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