Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Pinterest Marketing Tips: Holiday Strategy

Why use Pinterest for your Holiday Promotions
  • 71% of small businesses NEVER use Pinterest?  Imagine the potential, as it’s likely your competition simply hasn’t caught on yet.
  • Conversion rates for Pinterest traffic are 50% higher than converstion rates from other traffic
  • Pinterest is the top converting social media site for “Top of the Funnel” advertising
  • Pinterest users spent about 2.1 billion minutes on the site in 2012, with women making up 70% of its web audience.
  • Pinterest buyers spend more money, more often, on more items than any of the other top 5 social media sites.
  • Pinterest pins which include prices receive 36% more likes than those which do not.
  • Pinterest generates 4 times more revenue as Twitter and 27% more revenue per click than Facebook.
  • 47% of U.S. online consumers have made a purchase based on recommendations from Pinterest.
  • Since May 2012, Pinterest traffic has more than doubled in size.
  • Nearly 7 in 10 online consumers who visit Pinterest have found an item they’ve purchased or wanted to purchase, compared to only 40% of online consumers who visit Facebook.
  • Over three-quarters (70%) of Pinterest users visit the site “to get inspiration on what to buy,” while only 17% of Facebook users visit Facebook for buying inspiration.
  • Over 20% of Facebook users are on Pinterest daily.
  • How do women use Pinterest for Holiday Shopping Ideas:
    • 60% To get Gift Ideas
    • 26% To create a list of gifts I want to share with those who are buying gifts for me
    • 23% Top in photos of gifts I’ve bought/made for others
    • 36% TO do research on gifts I’m already considering buying for others
HOW to use Pinterest for your Holiday Marketing Strategy
1.  Create a Trending Topic Board
Use items such as Christmas Decor, Christmas Recipes, Christmas Gift Ideas.  Tip:  Don’t forget to add prices!
Trending topics on Pinterest see a 94%increase in clickthrough rate.
2.  Holiday Contest – Pin it to Win it!
Create a contest where users have to pin images to their boards to participate.  Winner is the image with the most repins.
Panasonic launched a Pin it to Win It contest that generated over 10,000 photo submissions.
3.  Run Pinterest Only Sales
Put products on sale, and make the sale price available to people who repin the product image.  They will have to enter a coupon code that only appears on your Pinterest page.
Tip:  Sellers need to make sure that their images link directly to a page where a person can purchase an item

Pinterest Statistics Sources:
VentureBeat: 123
Therealtimereport: 12

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