Friday, May 24, 2013

Keeping Track of Your Social Media Marketing Progress

The number of “likes” on your Facebook page and the amount of followers on your Twitter account are not the only determiners of the efficacy of your social media marketing campaign. In fact, it may not be a true marker of the success of your strategies.
How can you tell if your social media marketing is working? Measure your Reach, Engagement and Conversion.
How many people are aware of your business? Reach, which is the number of people who come into contact with your content, is the typical way to rate the success of your social media marketing. You can start here tosee if you need to change your approach to impact your audience.
Examples of reach include:
  • The number of “likes” on a Facebook page
  • Followers on Twitter
  • Views, Likes and Subscribers on YouTube channel
  • Visitors to your blog
  • Connections on LinkedIn
To keep track of the data from your social media accounts on-the-go, there are apps available at little or no cost to businesses, such as Cyfe. Cyfe is an all-in-one dashboard app that allows you to monitor and analyze data in real-time from services like Facebook, Twitter, PayPal, Salesforce, Google Analytics and more, all in one place. You can also customize your dashboard, archive data and export files with ease.
Your reach is not the only way to measure the success of your marketing. Beyond measuring your reach, another proponent in monitoring your social media progress is by assessing your engagement.

Engagement takes it one step further than Reach and looks athow many people interact with your content after their “like” or subscription. This provides you with more information on your social marketing – does your content provoke people to share what you have to say or show?
Ways to measure engagement include:
  • Comments on your Facebook, LinkedIn and blog posts
  • Shares of posts on Facebook or LinkedIn
  • Retweets, Direct Messages and Mentions on Twitter
  • Clicks on the links of social media content
  • Ratings on videos on YouTube
Use of a service, such as the Cyfe app or manual tracking, can aid in analyzing this data. It is important as well to encourage the engagement of your audience with eye-catching and action-provoking content to have your presence via social media thoroughly felt.
The final measuring tool of the effectiveness of your content is Conversion.
Going beyond on your marketing Reach and Engagement, Conversion looks at how many people are prompted to act upon seeing your content. In doing so, they become a part of your lead generation filter and marketing database.
Examples of measurements of Conversion include:
  • Online sales
  • Online lead generation
  • Registrations to content
  • Phone-in leads
Useful resources to track Conversion include services such as Google Analytics. Integrate this into your marketing strategy to monitor site activity and online conversion on your social media accounts by setting up the “goal tracking” option.
Also, since links are typically lengthy, you would also want to customize and create links that are easily trackable so your audience can follow all of your social media accounts. You can shorten a URL using a service such as Bitly.
Awareness of the need to monitor these components of social media marketing will ensure a more effective means of reaching, engaging and converting your audience to be valuable, long-term customers.

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