Saturday, June 22, 2013

3 Ways to Get More Google Reviews for Your Business

get google reviews

1.       Send an Email
Your customers are busy just like the rest of us. While the odd few may go out of their way to leave a glowing review on Google, it’s likely that the majority won’t.
As part of your ongoing marketing it’s good to keep in touch with your customers anyway. Send them an email thanking them again for their business (you have thanked them already haven’t you?) and include a link to your page where they can leave a review.
Make it clear you’re asking for a small favour and offer something in return as an incentive. The chances are most people won’t take you up on your side of the deal, but the fact you’ve offered will mean they’re more likely to do what you asked.
2.       Link to Your Page
The chances are many of your customers don’t even know you have a Google+ Local page. Start linking to it in your email signature and mention it on Twitter and Facebook. The more visible you can make it, the better your chances are of people leaving you a review.
3.       Tap into Your Existing Testimonials
When people have already been kind enough to write you a testimonial offline or on another website, they will be more inclined to respond positively if you ask them to leave one on your Google+ Local page too. As per point #1, you may want to offer a little incentive to get people to do what you’re asking.
What happens if you get a spam review?

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