Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Make Keywords Fit a Marketing Messaging

Image representing Google as depicted in Crunc...
Informational vs. Commercial Searches
Your user research will tell you a lot about how people actually search, but you do ultimately need to run what they gave you through Google's Keyword Tool to get an idea of traffic and Moz's Keyword Difficulty to get an idea of what it's going to take to see the fruits of your labor.
Traffic isn't the last stop in the vetting process, though. Next, think about the type of query your keyword triggers. Users search because they're looking for an answer to a question, and that comes with some sort of action. The two biggest are:
  • Informational: Your user is still researching and just wants more information about a topic.
  • Commercial: Your user is looking for a business and ready to buy.
You don't want a commercial-based page ranking for an informational-based keyword because you're failing to reach people at the right phase of the buying process.

Lastly Go To Google

Ultimately, you want to ensure you're comparable with the company you keep, meaning the companies who are using your potential keywords should be your actual competitors, not just your search competitors. So, search for your keywords and see who's ranking.
Look for similar things that your company and these share, like:
  • Target audience
  • Services or products
  • Price points
  • Messaging and positioning
For example, "web design company" has much more traffic but "web design agency" brings up a higher quality of businesses. This was further validated by our market research when we found more C-level marketers use agency over company or firm, and those are the people we are trying to reach.


Even if you aren't going through a complete rebrand, you need to keep an eye on your keywords and ensure they still fit with how you do business. Users will continue to get savvier, search engines will become more sophisticated, and your company's priorities will change, and making sure your keywords bring more to the table than just a high search volume will make sure you're always positioning yourself right to your users.


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