Monday, June 24, 2013

Questions for SEO Service Providers That Pitch For Your Business

Content marketing is required in order to succeed in today’s competitive business world.  Business blogging is the foundation for strategic content marketing, which can trigger significant new business generation and help you maintain 
your current client base.  According to HubSpot, business blogging reduces lead generation costs by an average of 62%; companies that post blog content at least 20 times per month generate four times more leads than companies without blogs.  Without a relevant, high-quality blog, you will not be able beat your competition in the current marketplace.  The average company with a blog attracts 55% more website visitors and 97% more inbound links and has an impressive 434% more indexed web pages than companies without blogs.  Publishing a top-notch blog makes it much easier for prospects to find you through an Internet search.  Each new lead has the potential to become a loyal blog subscriber and ultimately convert to a client.

1.  Identify Your Big-Hit Content

Analyze your blogging data, and identify the content that generated the most page views and inbound links.  These blog posts can be classified as your big-hit content, since they attracted more attention than usual.  Your next step is finding the similarities between these blog posts, which could be seen in the topic, tone or even formatting.  This sort of analysis should be done on a regular basis so that you collect more and more data on your successful content—helping you publish more big-hit content in the future.  Consider using surveys and polls to gain further insight about reader preferences, while also increasing engagement and giving your readers a voice.

2.  Create Big-Hit Content Consistently

Others will create links to content that they find to valuable; big-hit content is great for optimizing your website’s off-page SEO.  Enhance lead conversion with CTAs for your top marketing offers on each blog post and on your blog’s header or sidebars.  Big-hit content generally ranks highly in search results and attracts views long after being published, making it a continual traffic generator.  HubSpot enjoys the benefits of big-hit content with 70% of its new monthly leads coming from old posts—those published a number of months or years in the past.

3.  Leverage Content from Industry Thought Leaders

Connect with industry thought leaders; invite them to contribute guest posts for your blog.  This will add clout to your blog, enhance your company’s credibility and strengthen your professional network.  The content of thought leaders is educational and information-rich, so it has a much higher likelihood of achieving high rates of social content curation.

4.  Use Strategic Content Titles and Strong Visuals

Use compelling and attractive titles, and be sure to back them up with equally strong content.  If you fail to do so, you risk damaging your credibility.  Identify trending topics for your industry, and present them with a fresh perspective.  Feel free to challenge industry findings.  Further enhance your content with visuals, such as infographics, SlideShare presentations and video content.

5.  Attract More Blog Subscribers

Create a landing page for your new blog readers, and embed CTA buttons throughout your website that will drive prospects to your blog subscription page.  If you are a HubSpot customer, use HubSpot’s Call-to-Action Manager.  If not, PowerPoint is another option.  Place CTAs within each of your blog posts.  Give your readers incentives—such as discounts, free trials or entry into a lottery—to join your blog subscriber list. 

6.  Encourage Email Subscriptions

Readers may sign up and choose RSS or email subscriptions.  According to Hubspot, 13% of its own monthly blog traffic arrives via email sent to blog subscribers.  RSS is not as effective in generating leads, because subscribers have to manually use an RSS reader.  With email, they click a link for your blog and land on your website—boosting both website traffic and lead generation.

7.  Make Your Content Highly Visible to Prospects

Ensure that your content can be easily found by prospects who are conducting searches, actively researching and ready to buy your products or services.  Here are a number of ways to make this happen:
  • Social Media Marketing:  Advertise on social networks, such as Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and Google+.  Tailor your ads based on information that prospects provide in their social profiles.
  • SEO:  Conduct keyword research, and produce content using the same language as prospects in order to accurately frame a problem that they are attempting to solve.
  • Content Syndication:  Share your content on syndication sites, such as Social Media Today and Business 2 Community.
Aim to create high-impact, information-rich blog content, which resonates with your audience, to compel social content curation—boosting website traffic and increasing lead generation and conversion.  Your content must attain high rates of social content curation—social sharing—in order to enhance SEO and boost website traffic.  Highly shareable content creation is the key to increasing lead generation through content marketing.


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