Monday, June 17, 2013

Seven Social Media Strategies You Can’t Afford to Ignore

Everyone knows that social media marketing is the key to success in today’s business world. However, many marketers do not use social media to its full potential and lose money because of it. Fortunately, to better achieve success, here are seven social media strategies you cannot afford to ignore:
1. Listen and respond to posts with empathy.
To be successful with social media, you have to be able to listen to your audience (and beyond) as well. For example, if someone is having a problem and you respond quickly, you will create a positive impression. Even if you are not able to help solve the problem, showing empathy may reward you in different ways.
2. Respond to all of the comments and inquiries.
When using social media, always acknowledge your customers. By responding to their messages, you show that they matter. Even when you receive complaints, they must be dealt with immediately to prevent further damage. If you are in the wrong, being able to admit it and say that you are sorry is a huge advantage.
3. Show appreciation.
Always remember to thank your audience for their support. Not only should you thank your customers, but business partners as well. With personalized thank you posts, both customers and business partners will be more likely to keep supporting you.
4. Avoid pitching products and services all of the time.
It is crucial that you avoid pitching products and services at every given moment. In fact, there should be more personal stories and interactions than actual sales pitches. By building a relationship with your audience using relevant personal stories, you will help build trust and loyalty.
5. Provide quality content.
If you want to keep people coming back for more, be sure to give away quality content that is relevant to their interests. If you give away white papers, articles, webinars, or even share content created by others, you will keep people interested. When the time comes to make a sales pitch, people may be more likely to make a purchase (just as long as you do not make it a habit to give away everything for free).
6. Learn about different advertisement methods.
There are numerous ways to get your products and services out there for people to discover. However, not every method is right for every situation. For example, if you want to focus on Facebook ads, you have to discover how to attract the attention of people who mainly just want to play games or socialize, rather than shop. However, by doing the appropriate research about your target audience beforehand, you make it much easier to narrow the focus and generate positive results.
7. Be human.
It is important to remember that you must engage with your audience on a more personal level to be successful. After all, people do not want to receive generic messages from robots. To make yourself stand out, be sure to let your personality show through to capture people’s attention. However, just remember to always conduct yourself in a professional manner as well to avoid potentially offending your audience (although this is almost bound to naturally occur at some point).
With these seven social media strategies you cannot afford to ignore, you will better secure your position as an authority figure for your audience and beyond.

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