Friday, September 20, 2013

5 Pinterest Metrics Every Marketer Should Track

Pinterest is fairly new on the social media block and just launched the Pinterest analytics tool in earlier this year. Now that you have a free analytics tool directly from Pinterest, it makes measuring your activities and reach even easier. Every marketer knows the importance of having a reliable measurement in place to help build the most efficient and beneficial social media campaigns. Now Pinterest has provided its users a free version to do just that.
If you are strapped for time or need a simple plan to follow, there are some analytics that will be most important for most businesses or brands. Here for your knowledge building are five Pinterest metrics every marketer should track.

1) Pins from your website.

This great metric allows you to see what images and content are being pinned directly from your website. If having a lot of content pinned is one of your campaign goals, this metric will help you decipher what types of content are popular on Pinterest and what is less desirable. From there you can build a pin-friendly site that is sure to gather a lot of attention.

2) Top pins.

This metric refers to the pins you make on Pinterest to your boards. The analytics tool helps marketers determine which pins are being repinned the most often. Understanding what type of content is most popular can help to steer the campaign in the right direction by ensuring you pin more of the content that will be picked up. The more interest your pins gain, the further your reach. This helps both with understanding the top pins from your website and the top pins featuring other content.

3) Clicks.

Clicks through to your website are the ultimate goal from pins. This metrics helps you measure how many clicks are coming to your website from pins on Pinterest. Being repinned and liked is excellent for brand awareness, but for conversion purposes you want those Pinterest users clicking through to your site. This metrics will help you see which pins are inspiring the most clicks.

4) Reach.

After you have used the Pinterest metrics tool for a bit, the platform will be able to tell you what your reach is. Reach is an estimate of how many unique users see each pin or repin from your Pinterest account or website. These numbers are determined by how many see the pins initially and then how many users see the pins from those first viewers.

5) Top fans and influencers.

Typically your brands top fans and influencers are those who interact most with your brand. Top influencers are also Pinterest users who have a heavy, dedicated following. By identifying these users, marketers can begin to reach out to those users to form tighter bonds. Keeping these top fans will be immeasurably valuable to your brand because of the power of word of mouth. Users are much more likely to be influenced by another user’s opinion than a brand’s opinion.

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