Saturday, September 14, 2013

How to Leverage Social Media for Relevant Leads

Many B2B companies have found social media to be tricky since it tends to cater to connections with individuals rather than businesses. However, social media can be just as effective for B2B if you use the appropriate strategies! 
Don’t ignore social media any longer. By not maintaining an active social media presence, your company is ceding ground to your competitors. In addition, you’re losing a major opportunity to connect with potential leads. If you’re a B2B company that has avoided social media up to this point, now is the time to jump on board! 
Strategies for Gaining Leads
social media strategy for b2b

Smart usage of social media can help you to capture relevant, viable leads. You may understand that social media is powerful, but you have to take thoughtful steps to harness that power. In order to attract the right kind of leads, customize typical social media strategies so that they appeal to businesses:
  Offer a webinar. Marketers often use this tactic to attract attention to their company so that individuals will see the company as an authority in their field. For a B2B company, this webinar should offer valuable information to businesses. For instance, depending on your specialty, you might offer a webinar on running a small business or setting up a website for a company. New leads will be attracted to the authority established by a helpful webinar. Use social to promote your next offering.
  Develop a relationship. Social is all about personal connection. In the case of B2B, social allows your business to connect with other businesses that could turn into leads. As you interact with potential leads, offer them reasons to respect your company. That might mean simply interacting with them on an individual basis, or it might mean sharing useful content.
  Produce awesome content. Great content is the key to social media success. Every potential lead out there is going to be attracted by engaging, valuable content. In order to attract the right kind of lead, publish solution-based content that is relevant to your products or services. Use social media to spread the word about whatever content you’ve published recently. Consider repurposing strong content in a way that makes it compatible with different social sites. For instance, if you write an awesome blog, turn it into a slideshow to share on SlideShare or develop a related video to post on YouTube.
  Share information about resources. Use social media to promote the invaluable resources that your company offers. Free products are always going to attract more attention on social media, but you can also use social to spread the word about your normal products as long as you avoid focusing on making a sale and instead focus on the value offered by the product or service. 
Still Not Convinced?
If you still aren’t sure if social media is really worth all the trouble, consider the following statistics:
  90% of B2B marketers use Facebook as a part of their campaign, so if you aren’t on Facebook yet, you’re way behind the competition. 
  77% of marketers report that they have acquired a customer from LinkedIn. While most marketers still believe that SEO is the most effective tool in promoting a B2B company, they also agree that social media is their second most powerful tool.
Taking into account these powerful statistics, don’t waste any more time in establishing an active B2B presence on social media!

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