Periodically a discussion arises about whether or not to repeat tweets with links to one’s own posts or information. Some people repeat information multiple times daily. Others do so mainly when posting something new. Some people don’t do so very much at all. It varies. Why might you repeat tweets? It’s a way to try and get your message and content shared with more people. Depending on the frequency, though, I think that if you routinely repeat tweets too often, there’s some risk. It’s a fine line. Repeat too often, and do so regularly as part of your overall strategy, and you may eventually be seen as a spammer.

The good news is that there are multiple ways to get exposure for your tweets and message. You can package them differently, stream them verbatim in other platforms, and build awareness by creating your own hashtags and events. Tweeting in some of these additional ways right in Twitter may expand the reach of the tweets without looking like you’re broadcasting too much. It can also increase visibility and engagement in some other applications. Here are some examples.
1. Add a Twitter application tab that includes all your tweets.
2. Collect tweets from the day in a Facebook post: have an introductory comment and include links in comment fields.
3. Make a list every Friday linking to content you shared in your best tweets of the week and include it as an item in Facebook. You can add the tweet information in the comment fields.
Daily Twitter Paper
4. Set up a and publish it daily or weekly. Include your tweets as the first content source. Then they’re pulled in and you can have your tweets be the top tweets included in that day’s edition. Your tweet then goes out under a different heading, so to speak. It’s still in Twitter. It’s just in a different package. If you tweet before the paper is published each day, it goes out the same day. If you wait, it will go out the next day.
5. Word your blog post titles and tweets so they’ll perhaps be tweeted in someone else’s paper. I included a Pinterest item in one of my email newsletters, which I then tweeted. That email newsletter tweet ended up in someone’s Pinterest daily paper.
6. Create a graphic that describes and highlights what you’re tweeting and upload it to one of the ad spaces. Link to that particular article on your website or blog. You can keep that ad in place for as long as you’d like.
7. Create a story that includes the tweets you’d like to repeat or focus on. You can then tweet a link to that. The tweets are there, captured for a longer period. If you tweet during an event, perhaps someone else will include one of your tweets in their story.
8. Use hashtags prudently to get your information out to a wider audience.
9. Post at a time most likely to reach most of your target audience in their time zone.
10. Time it such so that it appears when most people are more likely to see it, keeping time zones in mind. For instance, time it so that it appears or doesn’t appear during lunch breaks.
11. Embed your tweet stream on your blog. You can do this by creating a widget directly in Twitter or using a plugin if you use WordPress. With the plugins, you can usually decide how many to display. Three? Five? Seven? You decide. Keep this in mind when you tweet: how do you want them to display on your blog when someone goes there? There have been times when I’ve stopped tweeting for the day so a certain tweet stayed at the top of the list on my blog.
12. Write a post and embed tweets into it. You can have a few tweets or a short series – or as many as you’d like.
13. Tie it to your editorial calendar so people pick up on the information you’re sharing in Twitter as well as other places you’re announcing said information.
14. Make a graphic of several key tweets and post it in Pinterest.
15. Pin your blog post that contains tweets to one of your boards. This works great for evergreen content.
16. Embed a board that includes tweets to evergreen content in a blog post.
17. Tweet a link to your board that contains evergreen content or the content on which you want to focus.
Host Events and Use Special Hashtags
18. Host a one-time or periodic Twitter chat for your company to increase awareness of your brand.
19. Set up a day each week to discuss a particular topic so people know that you’ll be tweeting specific content on one day. I know a place that has a day-long conversation on a specific topic each Monday and posts info that day. They use a specific hashtag. People join in the convo if they’d like. Now people are familiar with it and may perhaps anticipate it. That’s one way to get your message out. You could work in other tweets during that time.
Email Newsletters
20. Include the article or other news in your email newsletter, and then tweet the newsletter link. This is another tweet that has the same information.
To build credibility takes time. Maybe you have to build up to a point where you have an audience that trusts you to provide good information. At that point, perhaps you can repeat tweets more often. It’s a fine line, I think. Experiment and determine what works best for you and your followers. Be careful and think strategically.
No matter what you do, however, have good content to which to direct people. Provide information that’s worth repeating – whether by yourself or others. After all, one of the best ways to repeat tweets is to have others retweet them. Engage more, repeat and broadcast a little less, and perhaps your tweets will travel organically.