Friday, November 15, 2013

4 Tips to Make Your Content More Sharable on LinkedIn

sharable content on linkedin
Content creation is only part of the inbound marketing equation. Another critical component that is often overlooked is content promotion. With Google's recent move to hide keyword data, we feel like content promotion in social communities like Google + Communities and LinkedIn Groups is more important than ever.

This new industry reality brings to the surface an unignorable fact about lovable marketing: you have to add amazingvalue. Your posts can no longer just be optimized for keywords. They need to add real value in real life if they are going to have any legs. There are four tips that will teach you how to make your content more sharable on LinkedIn.

Make the post industry specific

If you're a B2B marketer in a boring or unsexy industry, take heart. LinkedIn is your playground. If you haven't, do a quick search for groups with your target keywords or industries. I guarantee you that you will find a tribe of passionate and engaged people out there talking about it. Doesn't matter how boring you think it is, your target market doesn't find your industry boring.
Curation is a great way to quickly and easily put together blog posts that are highly relevant to a LinkedIn group. Use a tool like or Spundge to create streams of content around specific topics. Grab some good ones, curate them in a blog, and share the blog in a group.

Include an image with a call to action

When sharing an article in a group or on your LinkedIn profile, LinkedIn will automatically pull in the featured image from the post. This shows up in the preview to the left of the text. This image is a great place to add a call to action telling the reader to click for more information. Here is an example of how we use this feature here on the GuavaBox blog.
LinkedIn content Example

Share your guest post, less spammy

On social media, particularly in LinkedIn groups, slimy marketers have ruined the fun for all of us. By "spamming" groups with links back to their website, they have made community moderators extra wary of any links shared back to a user's website.
It doesn't matter if your article is extremely valuable, there is still a good chance the moderator will flag it as spam. One way to share your content and still make the moderator happy is to focus on sharing your guest posted content.

Write about how to better use LinkedIn

People see that LinkedIn is a valuable tool for business, but most don't feel like they're getting the most out of the tool. One great way to get your content shared on LinkedIn is to write more content about using LinkedIn. This can be highly valuable if it is paired with industry expertise.
This unique perspective helps cut through the clutter out there and drive your target readers to action. An example of this approach would be to create a blog post that lists healthy LinkedIn groups within a specific vertical.  
A great example is Cerasis, a freight and logistics software and service company.They created a great blog post that shared the top supply chain, logistics, transportation, distribution, and freight groups on LinkedIn. As you can see, it was shared over 100 times on LinkedIn.

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