Friday, January 3, 2014

Do Small Business Employees Use Social Networks? [INFOGRAPHIC]

Do Small Business Employees Use Social Networks [INFOGRAPHIC]

The days are gone when email was considered as a killer application, social networking sites holds that distinction and now ruling the world. It began as a venue for teens but now people of all ages use Facebook, Twitter, Google+ and other social sites for both personal and business use. According to a study by GFI, 37% of workers daily use Facebook at offices, while only 25% said they have never used it. Take a look at infographic that provides a profile of the American small business employee and looks at their opinions on a number of pertinent issues affecting not only their lives but also the businesses they work for.

Do Small Business Employees Use Social Networks [INFOGRAPHIC]
Survey Says: Small Business Workers Get Social - Infographic

Key stats from infographic

  • 33 percent workers use social networking for personal reasons while they are working.
  • 48% of managers say they are Facebook "friends" with employees they supervise.
  • 64 percent use some kind of social networking service on a regular basis.
  • 75% says social networking user has not effect on their productivity while 18% acknowledge it makes them a little less productive.

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