Friday, February 7, 2014

8 Surefire Ways to Amplify Your Social Media Reach

8 Surefire Ways to Amplify Your Social Media Reach

Are you looking to expand your social media reach? Even if you’re happy with your Twitter followers and your Facebook likes, there’s always room for improvement. But with so much to consider, social media can sometimes seem overwhelming. Luckily, there are a steps you can take to amplify your social media reach. And the best part? You can put these simple steps into action right away.
1. Engage with your followers.
Social media is about relationships. It’s important to respond to customer questions and complaints, ask customers’ opinions, and carry on conversations. If  you do this, customers will be much more likely to care about your business.
2. Update your profiles.
When your Facebook page hasn’t been updated since last year, you don’t exactly look exciting. What’s worse, people may even assume your bar or restaurant is closed! It’s important to keep things current. Make sure your photos are new and relevant, and make sure all links in your profile are correct.
3. Put social media buttons on all your content.
How can people follow you if they don’t even know you have social media profiles? Make sure to include buttons for your preferred social media networks (Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, etc.) on your blog posts, your website, and anywhere else you have content. Make it as easy as possible for people to share your content!
4. Use visuals.
We’re visual creatures, and this is especially true for the bar and restaurant industry! People will be much more likely to like and share your content if you include visuals. Pictures of your food, your drinks, or your great parties will all excite your followers and encourage new ones.
5. Be an early adopter.
It may already seem like there are tons of social networks, but new ones pop up all the time. It’s a good idea to at least check them out to see if they’re right for you. It can’t hurt, and in the best case scenario, it will introduce you to a whole new base of customers.
6. Pay attention to what time you’re posting.
Are people ignoring your updates? Take a look at your post times. If you’re posting your best content at 5 a.m., it’s probably getting lost in the shuffle while people sleep. It’s important to post when you have the best chance of your desired customers actually reading and sharing your content.
7. Guest posts.
Sometimes the best way to amplify your social media reach is to borrow someone else’s! See if another business or a local publication in your area is willing to let you write a guest blog post or column. This can introduce you to a whole new audience online.
8. Make sure you have something your customers want to read.
Are your tweets just descriptions of your specials? Are your blog posts boring? Are your social media feeds nothing but self-promotion? If you truly want to extend your social media reach, you have to give customers a reason to follow you. Make sure your content is great!
By keeping these tips in mind, you can reach more people online and get more attention on social media!

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