Wednesday, April 30, 2014

5 Tips for Improving Social Media Productivity

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Managing the social media profiles of multiple clients while trying to keep up with your own can be challenging. It often seems like there just isn’t enough hours in the day and sometimes that’s probably true. However, there are ways to work smarter rather than longer. Managing your time efficiently and improving your social media productivity can make a huge difference.
Here are 5 tips for improving your social media productivity:
1. Content Curation Tools Are A Must – I cannot emphasize enough how much time you can save by using content curation tools. There is no reason to spend hours searching for relevant content for yourself or for clients. Let the tools do the work for you and focus your time elsewhere. Some tools I recommend are below:
Swayy – This is a great tool for finding relevant content based on topics you select and what it sees you sharing the most of, and trending topics within your circles.
Feedly – Think Google Reader only better! A really potent combo I use is Feedly integrated with Sprout Social
1NewsHub – This is a free blog aggregator. Lots of the top social media, SEO, and tech blogs all in one place.
Buzzsumo – Find the most shared content in your niche and across multiple social networks. Very cool tool!
2. Use An Editorial Calender For Blog Posting – Use a whiteboard or sheet of paper to set up an editorial calender and stick to it. This can help you get into a regular posting routine. It’s also good for planning out content and creating a place to list ideas for future posts.
3. Automate What You Can – Automation can be a very valuable and useful tool if it’s done correctly. That doesn’t mean put your social media on auto-pilot. You cannot build relationships if you set it and forget it. You have to actually be “social” for social media marketing to be successful. But using automation in conjunction with active participation can be very worthwhile. Sending out relevant and useful content across your networks while you’re sleeping is one example.
 4. Use The Social Networks That Work For You – Focus on the places that give you the best results. Don’t use Twitter if you get nothing from it. Don’t spend hours on Google+ if you never get any results. If you always get great results from promoting your stuff on Facebook than keep doing that. The only way to know what’s working and what isn’t is by tracking everything. Use tracking software like Google Analytics to monitor where your traffic is coming from and what is generating you the most leads or sales. I recommend using multiple tracking scripts and not just Google Analytics alone. We use Google Analytics, WoopraLucky Orange, and Clicky.
5. Use Valuable Content More Than Once – I’m not going to blather on about “evergreen” content because I’m tired of hearing that word. For the uninitiated that simply means content that doesn’t really have an expiration date. Just because something is 6 months old doesn’t necessarily mean the content is not still relevant and useful. It all depends on the subject matter. So don’t be afraid to re-share something old. It’s not old to someone who is seeing it for the first time.

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