Friday, May 16, 2014

5 Tips to Boost Your Facebook Ads Conversions


The organic reach of all Facebook pages has dramatically decreased causing uproar across industries since the king of the social networks is pushing all businesses to advertise on the platform in order to be seen.
Despite the outcry by many, this is a good thing for marketers since it will force the improvement of content shared by businesses on Facebook with better creative, targeting, and the ability to better measure the success of their campaigns on the network. Many of the existing Facebook marketing tips are still relevant for a company’s organic approach to the network, just less effective without the help of Facebook ads.
In the end, this focus on paid advertising will be better for Facebook users who will see higher quality ads that are more relevant to their interests. Facebook’s ad network is incredibly powerful since it has access to such a vast amount of people, 1.2 billion active monthly users to be exact, and the ability to target to these users based off of their unique interests.
Running Facebook ad campaigns can help your organization drive greater visibility to your offerings and most importantly, convert Facebook users into customers with the right approach.
Take these five tips into consideration when managing your Facebook ad campaigns.

1. Choose the appropriate call-to-action button for your ad campaigns.

This past January, Facebook introduced call-to-action buttons that allow advertisers to add either Shop Now, Learn More, Sign Up, Book Now or Download to their Facebook ads.
These call-to-action buttons help advertisers increase their conversion rates for their ad campaigns since it’s extremely clear for a Facebook user to understand the objective of the ad and therefore, when it’s relevant, they’re more likely to take action without any surprises.

When using call-to-actions on your ads, match the button being used in your ads to the goals of your campaigns whether it’s to increase downloads of your apps, generate more sign ups to your email list, send additional shoppers to your e-commerce store etc.
These buttons help guide a user to the next step of your campaign, especially when it comes to Facebook advertising on mobile devices. Spending on mobile app installs ads from Facebook is on the rise, since it’s working to drive results for businesses looking to convert the Facebook audience.

2. Focus on mobile-first across ad campaigns.

Facebook makes up 60.3% of all social sharing occurring on mobile phones, further driving attention to the fact that a majority of activity happening across social networks on mobile is happening on Facebook.
Here forward your Facebook advertising campaigns should be mobile-first before focusing on desktop ad campaigns when it comes to how your spend, strategy and resources are being handled.
With the acquisition of successful mobile apps WhatsApp and Instagram, Facebook is continuing to position itself as a leader on the mobile web. By also separating Facebook messages into the Messenger app from the main Facebook app, the company is completely focused at driving the best experience possible for its enormous user base.
Focus all of your future Facebook ad campaigns on mobile first to increase your conversions and better justify your social advertising costs.

3. Upload customer e-mails & phone numbers to retarget existing leads.

One of the best features of Facebook advertising to date is custom audience targeting. Custom audiences allows your business to target your ads to a group of people you’ve already established a relationship with on or off of Facebook. This allows your organization to upload the emails, phone numbers, app user IDs and more to target your existing customer or user base.
Since you already have data related to these users or customers, your team can better prepare your the messaging on your ads to each subset of this audience to more effectively reach them. Since the creative, ad copy, and call-to-action is more likely to be relevant to a user, it’s more likely that they’ll convert after seeing your Facebook ad.
Targeting your existing audience can help decrease customer churn and re-engage your customers with an offer, discount or other form of incentive on Facebook to have them frequent your business once again. Alter your approach based on the segment of your audience to experiment and see what particular approach works best for each type of customer.

4. Use oCPM – optimized cost per conversion bids when trying to reach the right audience.

Another important feature to make use of for your Facebook advertising is the oCPM bidding. This bidding, known as optimized cost per conversion, allows an advertiser to establish their goals and constraints for their campaign and then Facebook will bid automatically, capturing the most valuable impressions to users who match your established customer profile for your particular goals.
The ROI on these campaigns often trumps the success of a traditional CPC or CPM campaign since your ads are basically shown to Facebook users who are most likely to perform the desired action you’re looking to achieve and convert. Using an oCPM bidding system can drive higher quality traffic to your online properties, but if you aren’t sure if this bid type is right for your campaign or not, run a small test first to ensure it’s the right approach for your Facebook ads.

5. Setup Facebook conversion tracking correctly to ensure accurate measurement tracking.

Measuring the success of your Facebook ads properly will help inform future campaigns, ideally leading to better converting ads and a stronger ROI for your business. Make sure that your offsite pixel is properly configured before launching your Facebook advertising campaigns to ensure everything is being tracked appropriately when it comes to the actions occurring after a person has viewed your Facebook ads.
Using Facebook’s Power Editor, click on “Conversion Tracking” at the top right and then click on “Create Conversion Pixel.” Next, label your pixel based off of what you’re tracking and then choose the appropriate category that defines that conversion such as checkouts, registrations, leads, key page views, adds to cart or other website conversions. After selecting the right category, click “Create Pixel.”
View the pixel code that is created and copy it to paste onto your website. Paste this code on the page displayed immediately after a purchase. Place this code only between the <HEAD></HEAD> tags on this page that is visited directly after whichever chosen transaction is complete.
To access the <HEAD> tags of the page where your tracking code should be pasted depends on whether your website is built on WordPress, Drupal, another CMS or custom built. Each service has the location of the <HEAD> in a different area of the back-end; ask support staff or your web developer where this should go to ensure it’s done properly.
After adding the pixel to the page on your website, save it and then refresh the page. Once the page is refreshed, return to Power Editor and confirm that the pixel is active. The dashboard for your conversion pixels has a field that says pixel status, where you should see “Active” in green letters.
With the announcement of Facebook’s mobile advertising network and a 72% surge in Facebook’s mobile ad revenue from January to March of 2014, there’s no doubt that Facebook advertising will continue to be an important platform for reaching your customer base with relevant messaging.

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