Friday, June 27, 2014

Take Control! Enhance the Potency of Your Facebook Experience


Facebook’s control over the content that appears in users’ news feeds has rightfully been a hot topic of late, but the impact this has on our social media marketing efforts is really only half of the story.
The other half of the story, of course, is the impact it has on users.
It’s understandable that the massive decline in organic reach that many businesses and brands are experiencing is the primary focus of many posts and discussions here on Social Media Today. After all, we all clearly have an interest in the use and practical application of social media for marketing purposes.

We’re no longer choosing the content we see on Facebook

Interestingly, there is little talk about the impact that Facebook’s algorithm has on the average user.
Unlike most media channels that offer users a vastly open experience allowing and encouraging personal discovery, selection and choice, Facebook has effectively stripped these attributes from the experience they provide.
Because the vast majority of time on Facebook is spent on the news feed, Facebook’s algorithm is effectively picking and choosing the media that users consume.
Imagine any other media channel following a model like this. We’d be running for our pitchforks!
Okay, that’s maybe a little dramatic, but the point is that we certainly wouldn’t be happy about it.

The value of your ‘like’ has been diminished

It used to be that ‘liking’ a Page on Facebook was indication of a choice that a user made to allow the content of that Page to be visible in their news feed.
It’s that promise, the freedom of choice, and the personally influenced customization of experience that Facebook has essentially eliminated from their offering that was a reality not long ago.

Take control! Don’t let Facebook dictate your experience

The good news is that we can, and the solution is simple: Create interest lists.
Interest lists allow Facebook users to create custom feeds of content that is published by the Pages of our selection.
No algorithm.
No post filtering.
No sponsored posts (except those that are sponsored by the Pages we choose for inclusion in our lists).
This immensely underutilized feature allows you control the Facebook content that you want to see, with no outside influence.
Even if you have no qualms with Facebook’s algorithm and the selection of content that they deem to be important to you, Interest lists can still be amazingly helpful.
Consider creating lists to conduct competitive research, stay in-tune with categorically relevant happenings, educate yourself, grow your skillset, follow personal interests, keep up with the latest Internet memes, or keep your ear to the ground for special offers and discounts.
Whether you’ve been rubbed the wrong way by Facebook’s seizure of control over your news feed, or haven’t given it much thought at all, there’s no denying that utilizing Interest lists can enhance the potency of your Facebook experience. It’s time to list-up.

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