Thursday, July 17, 2014

5 Ways Social Media Can Complement Your Overall Marketing Strategy

Surely, social platforms alone are pretty cool, but there is more to it. Social media doesn’t exist in a vacuum and as such it should and can complement your other marketing efforts. Here are 5 examples how:
#1 Sign-up forms
Put links to your website sign up forms on social media profiles. Make it easier for your followers to sign up for your newsletter all the while you grow your database. This way you integrate social media marketing with email marketing. In return, add social sharing buttons at the bottom of your newsletters so that content is easy to share.
#2 Announce your new blog post
No better way to spread the word that you have a new post on your blog, than sharing the link on your social media accounts. This would not only direct readers towards your blog, but it is also so much easier for them to share things with their own followers and friends.
#3 Lists
Google plus and Twitter allow for the creation of lists and circles which make the segmentation of audiences a lot easier. Keep your contacts organized (for example, customers, prospects, suppliers, employees etc.). This way you can keep an eye on the activities of different clusters of people or share content to a specific segment only.
#4 Comments and reviews
According to a research 53% of people recommend brands in their Tweets, while a staggering 93% of shoppers’ buying decisions are influenced by social media. So leverage those good comments, re-share them and even use them in your printed advertising!
#5 Listen
Social media is perfect for research! Follow influencers, like industry discussion groups, listen and look for emerging trends. As they say, if there is a band wagon for you to jump on, you are already late!
Ultimately, Social Media is about sharing and connecting, so connect to as many people as you can, start dialogues and don’t forget to create content worth sharing!

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