Saturday, July 26, 2014

How to Use Pinterest for Business

How to Use Pinterest for Business
One of the most feared social media platforms, but if your target market is there, there is a pretty good chance that you should be too! So how do you use Pinterest for your business? Here’s some ideas that can make Pinterest a valuable platform for you.
1. Direct traffic
The great thing about Pinterest is you can use it to direct traffic to your website, a product, or a blog post. With each pin you post or re-pin you can include a link. This link will direct users to your site as soon as they maximize the photo and click it for more information. Include a call to action in the description of your photo that will entice your target to continue on a click-through.
2. Set-up boards
When you start your Pinterest account you should create a few boards that you can re-pin and pin your posts to. Try and think outside the box, and create value so your target will want to follow the entire board! For example: DavidsTea has a board of recipes you can make with their tea. They re-pin from other users who create their own recipes, and also add their own.
It’s important to not skip this step! You don’t want to just be re-pinning and pinning to unrelated boards and not organizing your pins.
3. Timing
Timing is everything with Pinterest. It’s important to not just sign-on to your account, pin and re-pin a million posts at once, and then not log-on for awhile. This will first off annoy the people who were following you, and second off is it ever a good idea to only check a social platform once and awhile? No! Treat Pinterest like you would anything else.
4. Integrate
Add a “pin-it” button on your website so users can easily pin your content right on their own Pinterest. This doesn’t always appeal with all brands and organizations, but especially ones with products, or great visuals that your users will want to share!
5. Descriptions
Many people get caught up with how beautiful or awesome a photo is on Pinterest that they forget about the description. Include your keywords, and make them enticing! You want people to click through to the linked page, and you want people to get context to what they are looking at, even if you may think it’s obvious.
Pinterest is a platform that many find foreign, but in fact it can be a valuable tool, and if used the right way there is huge potential for creativity.

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