Thursday, August 7, 2014

15 Ways to Approach SEO in the Worst Possible Way

When it comes to search engine optimization (SEO), many website owners are still approaching the process incorrectly even with the vast amount of online info describing the right techniques. Here is a list of the worst possible forms of SEO marketing that are still being used today by some.
1. You think that Microsites with Duplicate Content are Still Effective
This used to be a common form of SEO used by website owners to help their websites climb search engine rankings. However, Google penalizes sites containing duplicate content, so now is a good time to stop using this antiquated tactic.  Building numerous sites targeting the same keyword is an inefficient use of your time. Focus on one domain and make that domain the best you can. Make it a hub for your brand.

2. You think that Spinning an Article 50 Times Classifies as Marketing
Years ago,  spinning an article many times so that it delivered the same message but with different words used to be effective and acceptable SEO. The intelligence level of Google’s web crawlers have now increased to the point where this now classifies as duplicate content. Poor thin content with no substance will only hurt you. The user experience is also very horrible.
3. You still Approach Search Engine Optimization with a Quantity vs. Quality Mindset
Trying to acquire a thousand links is not what SEO is all about these days. Instead, engage in quality SEO methods such as delivering high quality content to readers once a week instead of mediocre content each day, social media, email marketing and blog marketing. It's not the mad science project it once was. These days less is more when it comes to search engine optimization.

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