Thursday, August 14, 2014

Improve Your Social Message with Facebook "Call to Action" Feature

Improve Your Social Message with Facebook "Call to Action" Feature
We have always been talking and enforcing the concept of call to action when to came to publishing. The idea is simple – when you post something to your social profile you want the message to have some sort of an action that the user can take.  While you can rely on comments and likes, the best option to drive your fans and followers to your website is to include a link in your publication that the user can click. This is your call to action. 
Social Report Publishing reporting builds on top of this idea by providing wealth of information:
1)   Initial call to action engagement (clicks):
  • By social account – where did the clicks come from? From your Twitter profile or from one of your Facebook pages?
  • By network – how is each network performing? Where are the clicks coming from? From LinkedIn company page? From YouTube channel?
  • By time of day – compare when you get the best response.
  • Geography – compare people in what part of the world are giving you’re the most clicks on your ‘Call to Action’
2)   Conversions. Once the user clicks on the link in your post does he then become your customer  (i.e. does he buy your product, does he sign up for your service). This reporting data is also broken down into the same reporting structure:
  • Conversions by social account
  • Conversions by social network
  • Conversions by time of day
  • Conversions by country and city
Without embedding a call to action into postings such tracking is impossible. Without such reporting your social activity is rather meaningless as you will never be able to connect your social efforts with an actual business impact analysis.
It seems that Facebook is now reinforcing this idea that we had some time ago by making ‘Call to Action’ an explicit feature that you may include in your post. If you are using Social Report already – nothing changes really – except perhaps that your call to action on Facebook will look prettier and more obvious. It is an optional feature that you can enable when scheduling your publication.

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