Saturday, December 27, 2014

Social Business in a Mobile World

Social Business in a Mobile World
You’re not imagining it, mobile devices really are everywhere. Statistics show that 90 percent of American adults own a cell phone and 58 percent of them are smartphones. When people aren’t texting or checking email, they’re surfing the internet or checking their social networks. Sometimes even while they’re in the shower!
You already know how important it is to make sure your website is optimized for mobile devices, but don’t forget to do the same for your social content too.

Why should I optimize my social content for mobile?

Because that’s where your customers are! Check out these stats:
●     Americans spend more time on their mobile devices than they do watching TV.
●     Social media is the top internet activity.
●     A whopping 60 percent of social media activities happen on a mobile device.
As you build your brand, it’s crucial to remember that lots people will view your messages on a phone or tablet. In fact, it may be the only way some see it as more folks ditch laptops and PCs for iPads and smartphones.

Sounds great, but how do I do it?

As long as you keep a few important tips in mind, optimizing your social media content for mobile is easy and won’t add a lot of extra time to your already busy workday.
Ramble on. There used to be a school of thought that said brands should keep their messages short and sweet to accommodate the smaller screens of a mobile device. It turns out, though, that people like to read long form content on tablets and smartphones. So go ahead and link to long blog posts and other lengthy content right on your social channels. Timely, relevant, in-depth writing will help push you to the top of the thought leader pack in your industry.
Picture it. If you can feature your message in a picture, infographic, or other cool visual, do it. Closely cropped images, videos, and scrollable charts all make terrific, eye-catching content that looks super on a smaller screen. Bonus: Visual content is always a winner on social media.
Move along. The combination of social media and mobile devices means you’re right in your customers’ pocket or purse at all times. You move along with them wherever they go. Use that to your advantage by coming up with ways to engage your fans and followers on social media when you know they’re doing something in particular. For instance, if you make camping gear, encourage customers to take a picture of their campsite to share on Instagram or Facebook.

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