Sunday, April 22, 2012

10 interesting digital stats

I've gathered together some of the most interesting digital marketing stats released this week, from our own and third party research. 

Stats include web users' attitudes to cookies, e-commerce sales for March, digital salaries, and mobile commerce. 
Online sales
  • UK consumers spent £5.8 billion online in March, the equivalent of £114 per person, according to the latest IMRG Capgemini e-Retail Sales Index. 
  • This equates to a year-on-year growth of 14% for the e-retail sector and a 9% increase on February.
  • 40% of respondents to an Econsultancy/Toluna Quick survey think cookies are bad for the web, which highlights the need for education on this issue. 
  • In the same survey, just 23% of those surveyed said they would be happy to opt-in to cookies on a website. 
Digital salaries
  • According to research by Propel London, average salaries in the digital industry have increased from £38,192 in 2009 to £40,117 in 2011.
  • Mobile marketers are most in demand, with mobile job vacancies listed on its site increasing from just 10 in 2009 to 150 in 2011, while social vacancies increased from 28 to 100 in the same period.
Internet use in the UK
  • Around 74.2% of the UK's population, totalling 47m, will go online at least once a month this year on a range of devices including smartphones and tablets, according to eMarketer stats. 
  • According to the stats, more than 17m Brits will access the internet via mobile this year.
Cross-border e-commerce
  • Retail searches on UK e-commerce sites from overseas rose by 57% in Q1 2012, compared to the same period last year, according to the BRC-Google Online Retail Monitor.
  • Search volumes grew at their fastest rate for health and beauty and food and drink related items.
Mobile websites
  • One in 20 sales are lost because firms haven't launched mobile optimised websites, according to research by Mediarun, reported in InternetRetailing.
  • Bounce rates from mobile devices are currently 10% higher than that on desktop sites. 
Attitudes to digital ads

  • Two thirds of US and UK internet users think that digital advertising is excessive, and they are seeing more and more ads online and via mobile. 
  • Three in 10 web users in both the US and UK were unlikely to ever respond positively to new messages from brands they thought were advertising too much.
Online ad revenues
  • Online ad revenues reached $31bn in 2011, breaking the previous high of $26bn in 2010, according to new IAB stats
  • Mobile was the fastest growing category, up 149% YOY to $1.6bn in 2011. 
  • Search revenues in 2011 totalled $14.8bn, up almost 27% from $11.7bn the previous year.
Retailers on social media
  • Topshop is the most popular retailer on Facebook and Twitter, according to stats from eDigital Research
  • The fashion retailer has 2.24m fans on Facebook, and 303,788 followers on Twitter.
Social media and TV
  • Accenture stats show that nearly two-thirds (64%) recalled seeing a Facebook 'Like' image on television, and one-third actually interacted with a social media service online after seeing a social media symbol on their TV screen.
  • The most common reasons for responding were: seeking out more information about a show (43%), accessing coupons and promotional codes (32%) and participating in contests (31%).

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