Friday, May 4, 2012

8 Ways in which Social Networks can Help with Mobile Marketing

As mobile marketers, all of you are well aware that mobile marketing has now truly come of age and is the most vital thing today. More and more mobile device users are spending time on social Websites these days. You could use this aspect of mobile social networking to your advantage and gain immensely from it. Here is how you can benefit by way of mobile marketing through social networking.

1. Accessibility

A lot more mobile users than PC users are logging on to mobile social networks. It has now become a trend for Facebook users to constantly update their online status via their smartphones and other mobile devices. Hence, channels such as these present huge opportunities for the mobile marketer to build his customer database and also create brand awareness regarding his product.
Mobile networking now comes easy and is affordable by most people, so one can expect a gigantic rise in this field of activity, in the coming years.

3. High Degree of Publicity
2. The Personal Touch

The best thing about social networking is that it offers the marketer the advantage of giving customers the personal touch. The mobile device is always on, so the marketer can effectively work through this channel.
Of course, this can also be counter-productive if an unwelcome marketer tries to gatecrash into a person’s privacy.
Provided that a mobile marketer plans out his marketing strategy right, he gets immense publicity and that too, without having to work overmuch at it. Good publicity spreads fast on social networks. He can use this to establish his product through mobile marketing.
In order to achieve the best results, you would have to first analyze your audience, decided who to target and what you want to achieve and then finally draw a mobile marketing plan. You may also hire experts to take care of your marketing needs.

4. Strength in Numbers

The social network is a place where trust and intimacy abounds. If a marketer can manage to win the trust of his followers, he stands to make great gains in his business. Hence, ensuring that the marketing plan is sound and makes perfect sense goes a long way for the mobile marketer to build his own reputation and that of his product.
The marketer can also indulge in some interesting propositions such as offering rewards for participation in a survey, event or competition. This will bring along viral benefits for him.

5. Long-Lasting Relationship

Once the trust factor has been established between the marketer and his customers, the former can be assured of recurrent benefits, long after his campaign ends. Users will invariably spread the word to their family and friends, who will in turn, also get attracted to the product.
Users will be even more inclined to speak about the product if they are offered more incentives for the same, via distribution of discount coupons, freebies and so on.

6. The Spirit of Participation

Mobile marketers should try and figure out novel ways to amuse their audience in different ways. Not only should their product be useful, but it should also be presented in a way so as to entertain more viewers.
The product has to be thought-provoking in some way and also provide a degree of utility to social network users. That will guarantee long-term participation of mobile network users in all his marketing efforts.

7. Highly Targeted Marketing

Mobile marketing via social networking can be of great use to the marketer, as this drives highly targeted traffic his way. A marketer would find it very easy to analyze customer preferences and behaviour through signup. Social networking also gives him customers’ demographic data when they are online. The marketer can then use this data to offer highly personalized service to his customers.
Of course, you, as the mobile marketer, will have to undertake detailed study of consumer behaviour to understand the pulse of your audience and ascertain what potential users would expect from you and your product.

8. Real-Time Performance

Not only does mobile marketing give the marketer an accurate idea about his users’ behaviour, but it also does so in real time. Depending upon his ROI (return on investment), the marketer can adjust his future marketing campaigns and manipulate them so as to attract more and more customers online.
Mobile social networking offers the marketer the benefit of adjusting this process in real time, thereby helping him constantly improve upon his campaign strategies. This is probably the greatest advantage of mobile marketing via social networks. 

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