Friday, May 4, 2012

Facebook is Easy if You Master These 2 Tips

Facebook is quite simple. Work hard to build your audience and then engage them. Since most businesses are not doing this, we thought it best to reiterate the 2 things small businesses need to focus on when marketing online to build a Facebook presence.
1. Build your Facebook page with relevant and targeted people. It’s better to have 200 people that fit your targeted demographic than 1,000 people who don’t. Work hard to get the right people. Your page is not about the number of people, it’s about the quality of people. Quality over quantity. This is usually the biggest mistake businesses make on Facebook.
2. Once you have the right people, you must engage them. There is a reason why virtually every major brand promotes their Facebook page and not their web site they have spent millions of dollars building. The reason, major brands know that engagement is what sells. People are 50% more likely to buy a product from a brand that they Like on Facebook. Talk to your users, post interesting content and images, and show them you care. Engagement sells.
It’s easy to say to a business to find the right people and then engage them. But that’s the key. Marketing to someone that is not interested in your company is a waste of time. You'd best not market online if you market to the wrong people. Find the people that you think fit your demographic, find where they are online and then go after them.
Facebook is not difficult, it just takes time and consistency, and if you focus on these 2 tips, your efforts will be rewarded.