Saturday, August 18, 2012

More than 75% of searches result in click-throughs

More than 75% of searches in July resulted in clicks through to websites, underlining just how adept search engines are at delivering relevant content.  
Stats from Experian Hitwise show that Bing and Yahoo had the highest proportion of ‘successful searches’, meaning searches that resulted in a click-through, with 84% and 86% respectively.
Ask and Google both achieved a success rate of 76%, however it should be noted that it is increasingly common for Google to give users the answer to a query without them having to click on something.
As part of its new Knowledge Graph that was rolled out in May, Google now shows information relevant to search queries in a column to the right of the search results.
It also trialled a new interface during the Olympics that essentially acted as a minisite for information relating to all of the events and athletes.
The apparent success rates also clearly aren’t having an impact on search engine traffic.
Data from June shows that although Google’s market share dropped for the first time in four months, the change was fairly negligible and the search engine still accounts for more than 90% of UK searches.

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