Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Pinteresting and Pinformational: 4 Tools to Get the Most Out of Pinterest for Business

Pinterest is growing like crazy. Still in its experimental phase as a social media site, companies are scrambling to discover how best to use Pinterest for business. There are a number of speculations about how to use Pinterest to generate business leads, but no one concrete way to analyze the effectiveness of your pinning. Many seem to think that at some point, Pinterest will introduce its own analytics tools, but in the meantime, here are a few resources (Pinalytics, if you will) to help you measure the success of your Pinterest campaign. 
pinterest for business
You all know about Klout right? PinReach is like Klout for Pinterest. Beautifully designed and simple to use, PinReach is great for obtaining a quick snapshot of your Pinterest activity. Simply type in your Pinterest username and PinReach gives you a score and generates graphs representing your Pinterest activity. By showing your most popular pins and boards, it also gives you an idea of what content is most popular among other Pinterest users. This is useful for determining which content your customers and followers consider most valuable.
PinReach also breaks down pins and boards individually by number of repins and favorites. These board stats in particular are useful because they help you to measure the engagement level of an entire set of pins. It’s important to know how users are interacting with your boards, because it’s a huge factor in obtaining new followers.
pinreach pinterest influence and analytics
This service isn’t free, but it does offer a 30-day free trial. Pinfluencer focuses on helping you identify your most influential pinners. By identifying these individuals, you can spend time connecting and building relationships with people who might become advocates for your brand. It’s also useful to identify these people because they have large networks of followers and when they repin your content, a large audience will see it. Pinfluencer also provides tools for competitor comparison by showing you your competitors’ most popular pins and influencers.
Okay, this one isn’t really an analytics tool, but it is does provide a great way to generate some unique Pinterest content. Pinstamatic allows you to easily add pins of calendar dates, maps, music links, quotes, tweets, and more. Its very simple to use, and it styles all of these things to look good on Pinterest. This is a great way to put out content that might not normally be very visually appealing. You could use these resources to announce important company dates, reveal a new web design, or simply give customers a glance at the inside culture of your business.
This site is still in Beta testing, but users can sign up now, invite a few friends to join via Facebook or Twitter, and snag an early invite code. When fully up and running, Pinerly promises to be the ultimate Pinalytics tool. Essentially, you will be able to post Pins from within the Pinerly site to Pinterest. Pinerly will then monitor each pin and provide you with stats from each. This will give you a really detailed look at how your pins are being received by the Pinterest community. Pinerly will also provide suggestions for new things to pin, and new users to follow, based on your previously posted content. With Pinerly, you will also be able to schedule pins to post- a very useful tool considering Saturday morning is one of the prime times for pinning.
There is no doubt that Pinterest will prove to be an essential player in the online marketing game. It’s all just a matter of figuring out how your business can best use the platform for your own promotional efforts. 


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