Monday, September 24, 2012

5 Ways Strategic Social Media Can Help Small Businesses

Image representing Google as depicted in Crunc...

1. Listen, Search, Walk a “Daily in the Life” of…

Take some time to search Google, Yelp, Facebook, Twitter, blogs, Google+ for related keywords and geographies to your business.
Take notes of what you find…capture the trends, insights, activity, and the players that matter to you
Document the 5W’s + the H.E.: Who, What, When, Why, How, and to What Extent – it’s the only way to work toward ROI
Prioritize networks
Recognize patterns and behavior
Observe trends and themes
Tip: Also pay attention to what people aren’t saying or sharing
2. Define Your Online Brand: What do you want people to see and appreciate?
Take a step back to think about the value you can add based on who you are and the expertise or the unique service or solution that only you can provide
Define why you are different than your competition
Design the professional brand and the persona you would like to convey online
Describe “your” experience: What is it that you want people to see or think when they find you in social networks
Portray your brand, persona and the experience in your profiles
Tip: Don’t sell or overly promote…
3. Develop a Social Media Strategy: Make your presence matter
Write a vision statement for how you will use social media to build relationships, a community around your value proposition, and how social media will enable your strategy
Describe what social media success will look like
Customize your presence, goals, and what success looks like in each network
Create an editorial program that reinforces your value, your business, and your goals within each network
Understand what format to you love using AND what seems to be the formats your customers prefer
Curate relevant and interesting content that reflects your professional and personal interests
Tip: Find the balance between personal and professional activity online, it can’t be ALL business
4. Build and Invest in Your Community: Participate and earn affinity to become a trusted resource
Share insights in the communities that matter to your business and reach beyond the friends, fans, and followers you already have
Identify and talk to local online influencers who can help you spread your expertise and value
Ask and answer questions in your communities and across other vibrant communities hosted by others
Maintain a valuable and timely presence
Create a “linked” network of resources: Link to or recommend people who can also help your customers
Tip: Invest proportionally in social media, search engine optimization/digital and your real world activities
5. Learn: Repeat steps 1-5 over time to stay relevant as technology and behavior evolves
Learn from everything to improve experiences and your overall strategy
Ask your community what they’re looking for and how you can better help
Monitor activity using social media listening tools around you and in your areas of focus to stay on top of trends, themes, and needs


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