Friday, September 28, 2012

Why Smart Marketers Use Social Media for B2B Branding


Savvy B2B Embraces Social Media

This column will address not only why businesses operating in the Business2Business space should take social media seriously but also – and more importantly – how to leverage social media to build a B2B brand.
In the coming months, I’ll discuss how an effective Business2Business social media strategy plays a role in branding, addressing hands-on topics like:
Get Out of the Desert
Ultimately, social media for B2B branding is about bringing new life to your business. It’s about getting out of the Sahara and into a refreshing environment where connections and communities help Business2Business brands thrive.
Some of the critical goals of B2B branding via social media include:
  1. Building better relationships with partners, prospects and customers.
  2. Attracting prospective customers and compressing sales cycles.
  3. Monitoring competitive positioning and ensuring you’re ahead.
  4. Establishing thought leadership in your industry.
  5. Building brand awareness and preference among decision makers.

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