Sunday, October 7, 2012

4 Common Social Marketing Mistakes

4 Common mistakes companies make when mixing social and marketing:

1. Lack of a Strategy or Plan
2. Broadcasting – Too much talking not enough listening
3. Ghost town- social media assets exist but there is no one home.
4. No Social Media Guidelines or Contingency Plan
Mixing social and business ups the opportunities, as well as the stakes – it has the potential to affect the entire organization, from stakeholder to customer.
While you want to be careful not to make common mistakes, you also want to be proactive in managing your social media strategy. Today’s all-encompassing world of social media magnifies our mistakes to a degree that most of us are probably uncomfortable with…perhaps that’s the reason there are more “lurkers” who’d rather silently observe and “listen in” to chatter, without being an active participant in the conversation.
But Marketers can be empowered with information, instead of shrinking back in fear. Enhancing relationships with customers and stakeholders is the goal of mixing social and marketing.  According to Social Media Examiner, 51% of Facebook users and 64% of Twitter users are more likely to buy from the brands they follow.


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