Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Reasons Why Social Media Helps to Improve Your Search Engine Performance

Social networking and media is not a new phenomenon; it has been systematically changing the way we interact for years, giving us more methods of communication between individuals we know and those with like-minded interests. It comes as no surprise, then, that social media can play a key role in expanding a website’s recognition and help permeate social circles where it will be received well. If you have been considering the usage of social media in or for your website but wonder what benefits you will receive, continue reading to find out how this tactic can help increase your visibility.

Search Engines Like Social
Major search engines have been forced to re-adapt their search algorithms to factor in the spread of social content. While not all social networking portals are read by search engines equally, your website most likely will still benefit from such usage as it can help propagate your content in those social circles. By adding ‘Like’ buttons, the ability to re-tweet comments and posts, as well as adding a general social option panel, you can be sure that visitors will be able to share said content without difficulty (Tip: Use Pingler’s Digg Links Checker Tool to see how many links you have on Digg).
More Updates Via Indexing
As mentioned prior, search engine algorithms have been redone to accommodate social media. With this change, search engine spiders will now seek out both static and social content for updates. Having an array of social media options on your website will make sure that search engine spiders and bots regularly frequent your website, giving you the ability to achieve faster indexing after posting a new page or blog. This also impacts the rate at which your content is displayed on search engine result pages (SERPs). This change in social media interaction with search engines makes it vital that you maintain a solid social presence.
Increased Author Ranking
Google has rolled out a feature that allows bloggers and webmasters to associate a website or any blog posts with their Google+ account. Most likely, you already have a Google account and use it for a number of things; why would you not use it for distributing social media? With a verified Google+ profile and strong writing skills, you can gain an automatic bump for all social media content you create and push it to the top of SERPs with this popular social media outlet. This tactic will only work, however, with the Google search system.
Track Social Data Quickly
Using a suite of software such as Google Analytics, you can keep tabs on all social media statistics from one centralized location. While many have paid for services such as these in the past, the revolutionary idea of providing social media data for all is another area that Google has excelled in over the past year or so. You can easily see integrated statistics regarding social media advertising and marketing campaigns alongside all the other vital data you need to know about your site. Being able to use and combine this information into a long-term plan has never been easier!

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