Thursday, November 1, 2012

Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest – Is Social Media Turning Us Into Zombies? [INFOGRAPHIC]

Is social media turning us into zombies?
Perhaps. Certainly, some Facebook users can’t stop posting endless photos of their children, or are constantly checking in to any and everywhere that they go. It’s fair to say that there are people on Twitter who feel the need to share every single thought that enters their brains. And I think we all know one or two folks who love to document every event in their lives, no matter how (in)significant, with an Instagram-filtered photograph that is then eagerly submitted to their Pinterest board.
The benefits of social media are numerous and well documented, but, as in most of the good things in life, balance and moderation are not only recommended, but positively critical to long-term enjoyment and results. Moreover, if you’re writing tweets, making status updates and taking photographs of everything that happens in your life, are you really experiencing any of it at all?
This infographic from takes a closer look at the impending social media zombie apocalypse.

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