Thursday, February 7, 2013

Is Your Social Media Audience Where You Think It Is?

I love social media
Social media is becoming increasingly ingrained in our everyday lives. Social media tools and platforms have created changes in marketing and the way businesses interact with their customers. It’s never been easier to research and locate your ideal customers online, so there really is no excuse for not marketing correctly to your ideal customers.
Let’s look at some stats and see if you are marketing to the right audience in the right place.
  1. Female users maintain a slight majority on Facebook (58%) andTwitter (52%), but a whopping 71% of Google+ users are male, and an astounding 79% of Pinterest users are female. 
  2. The ratio of male to female users is about even on LinkedIn; however, men are more active on the network, accounting for 63% of its activity.
  3. When asked what their customers want from them when using social media, marketers responded with customer service (58%) and insights for buying decisions (59%). However, consumers claim that they are more interested in deals and promos (83%) and rewards programs (70%). 
  4. 80% of users prefer to use Facebook to connect with their favorite brands as opposed to other social networks.
  5. 77% of business-to-consumer marketers and 43% of business-to-business marketers report that they have acquired customers through Facebook. 
  6. Social media users tell more people about their customer service experiences, both good and bad, than non-users. Users will tell an average of 42 people about a good experience and 53 people about a bad experience; non-users will tell an average of nine people about a good experience and 17 about a bad experience.
  7. Social media users are also more likely to change their minds about an intended purchase due to a bad customer service experience. 83% have done so in the past year, compared to 49% of non-users. 
  8. 32% of social network users are between the ages of 12 and 24, and 20% are between the ages of 25 and 34. These age groups account for just over half of all users. 
  9. But that doesn’t mean you can’t reach older customers through social media. The 45-54 year old age group is the fastest growing group of social media users; 55% had an account on a social media network in 2012.
  10. Only 38% of larger companies and 35% of smaller companies have clear objectives for their social media activity.
Things to remember when social media marketing…
It’s not just demographics, you need to take into account psychographics, too. Part of that will indicate whether the strong female influence on Pinterest will influence your male prospect. Timing play a part too and that also needs to be factored into any marketing you do.

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