Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Transitioning to SoLoMo: A 6-Step Guide

digital marketing trends 2013
With the majority of cell phone users now opting for the cleverer mobile devices on the market, getting social, thinking local, and spending on mobile are more important than ever. This presents a huge opportunity to engage with consumers in a different way than traditional advertising, but requires the implementation of an integrated cross-channel campaign to meet the expectations of potential buyers. SoLoMo is not a separate tactic in a digital marketing campaign, but an extension of it.
Here are 6 tips to keep in mind when integrating SoLoMo into your digital marketing strategy.
1. Never Shut Up
If you’re not talking about your business, how can you expect others to? Share your excitement with the world. And be annoying about it. Stay on top of your target audience so that you will stay top-of-mind.
2. Be Interesting
Don’t just blab for the sake of blabbing. Engage with your audience through a variety of media. Inform, entertain, and educate, but don't sell. Write, speak, and share video. Have a reason to communicate.
3. Ask Questions
Use new media technology for what it was made for. Start conversations, and collect feedback to cycle back into your ongoing marketing strategy. Meet your consumers halfway by understanding their needs and responding to them.
4. Be Clear
Have a mission. Communicate that mission’s value across all channels. Help MOFU evaluators understand your purpose by being transparent; doing so will help them understand and respect the value of your product or service.
5. Be Accessible
Go out of your way to find buyers but don’t expect them to do the same for you. Anticipate opportunities for increased brand relevance and capitalize on them by enticing prospects with timely and relevant deals.
6. Be connected
Consumers want to engage. Make it easy for them by building your brand’s presence across all relevant interfaces and maintaining these exchange venues on a regular basis.
Think of everyone as your new BFF: you want to talk to them all the time through whatever means it takes. But, because you’re both so busy, you need to be able to pick up conversations where they left off, seamlessly, between different devices, and try to be available when they need you most.
After all, connection is what SoLoMo is all about.


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