Thursday, March 21, 2013

Integrate Big Data into Your Marketing Strategy

Discover the conversations that matter
Do you know who is talking about your business? What they’re saying about your product? Are they talking about you on Facebook, Twitter or Quora?
Uncovering where your customers are having conversations and what they are saying about you is critical for almost every business. However, with social channels cropping up on what seems like a daily basis it can be hard to track every conversation, let alone determine which ones are converting into customers. Flexible listening platforms can help identify new and niche social channels that are relevant to your customers and provide insight into the real business value of each channel.
Don’t be overwhelmed by data
The face of marketing as we know it is changing. Big data once was a word that only crossed the CIO or IT department’s lips. Today marketing teams oversee vast amounts of data across multiple channels, both internally and externally, and are struggling to keep track of it all. Internal conversations are often fragmented in silos and external conversations are unpredictable and hard to analyze. Marketing analytics help tie these conversations together and allow you to step back from all the data streams to see the big picture.
Uncovering ROI
With so much information at our fingertips, everyone from the marketing manager to the sales team is being pushed to make data-driven decisions. Current analytics solutions are often too slow and expensive, making it difficult for the average marketer to use. Self-service analytics are cost-effective and provide marketers with an easy way to curate their data sources and quickly connect data to business goals in real-time.
While it may seem intimidating at first, integrating analytics into marketing programs doesn’t have to be scary. Once you start, it quickly becomes clear how analytics make data-driven business decisions easier (based on the success or failure of programs!) and enable you to properly allocate the marketing budget.