Monday, May 20, 2013

Mobile Marketing: How to Get Started

Mobile Marketing

Why marketers should pay more attention to mobile customers
Jamie states that 15-50% of the people who visit your website come in from a mobile device and this number will continue to grow.
When consumers visit your website from a mobile device, you need to be there to meet them, understand mobile marketing and know how to connect with customers on mobile.
You’ll have to learn how to use mobile, as it’s a way to build a bridge between you and your customer.
standard mobile
Make sure you're mobile-ready.
You’ll discover how more people check prices on their mobile devices while shopping and what you need to provide them to make sure they buy from you.
And you’ll hear that when people buy a product on mobile devices, particularly tablet computers, their total ticket price is typically higher than it is via a desktop computer.
It’s important to be mobile-ready—not only for B2C but for B2B too.
Listen to the show to find out how many people bought a virtual ticket on a smartphone while attending Social Media Marketing World.
Is there a social media connection when it comes to mobile marketing?
Jamie sees email as a social media tool. Sixty-seven percent of all “C-level” executives check their emails from their mobile devices. The better-known tools being LinkedIn,Facebook, Twitter and YouTube.
We all need mobile websites. Remember when consumers visit your site, one of the prominent things you want to do is give them the ability to connect with you on social media platforms from their mobile device.
You’ll hear Jamie give a great example of how you can use LinkedIn on a mobile device in a business environment.
linkedin for mobile
Use LinkedIn mobile to find out about future prospects.
Photography is easy on a smartphone. Look at how well Twitter and Facebook have integrated photos into their mobile apps. It’s a great opportunity to grab customers. You’ll find out how Ramon De Leon, a regional Domino’s pizza guy in Chicago, evangelizes his business with the use of Twitter.
Jamie explains what mobile websites mean and the difference between a mobile website and a mobile app.
You’ll discover what you need to do to make your website mobile and why the WPtouch plugin for WordPress is an awesome tool to have.
Listen to the show to find out why social is mobile.
The most common types of marketing when dealing with mobile users
Jamie lists 7 things businesses have to think about when it comes to mobile marketing.
  1. Mobile websites
  2. SMS
  3. Mobile display ads/banner ads
  4. Mobile paid search
  5. Location-based marketing
  6. Apps
  7. QR codes
These are the primary tools out there. Jamie’s advice is to make sure you always start with a mobile website and then move into paid search or QR codes.
You’ll hear Jamie give an example of how a restaurant can use SMS to drive more foot traffic to their business. It’s one of the tools that’s been around the longest and is well-established. People are comfortable with it.
When you use SMS, you have to go through an SMS service provider. There are many different companies out there. One that has been around a long time is Sumotext. You’ll learn the benefit of carrying out proper research on SMS service providers.
Jamie shares how there are some really cool opportunities when it comes to mobile banner ads and explains how you can do mobile display ads that are targeted on a house-by-house level, based on their purchases.
The advantage is that a mobile device can be identified at a residential location through geotargeting.
Listen to the show to learn how geotargeting works when it comes to statistical data.
How to get started with mobile marketing
Once you have a mobile website, the next step is to get into QR codes. You can search on Google to find out how to do a QR code.
qr code
QR codes are easy to do.
Next, you can move into mobile paid search, which is low-cost and easy to get into. You can then start to spend a little more money when you get into SMS and mobile display.
Listen to the show to find out why mobile app development can be complex.
Typical mistakes marketers make with mobile
Jamie states that when marketers at typical small- to medium-sized businesses read about social media as a marketing tool, they embraced LinkedInFacebook or Twittervery easily.
However, when it comes to mobile, they think it sounds too technical and difficult. They believe that they have to hire someone to do this for them.
So the #1 challenge is that people are afraid of mobile marketing. Jamie says that it’s not that mysterious—it’s just another channel to use to connect with customers.
Listen to the show to hear why you shouldn’t be afraid of mobile marketing.

Survival Tip: Getting Out

I’m a Fitbit fan. It’s a pedometer, calorie counter and distance counter all in one. I try to walk 10,000 steps a day and as the weather has started to improve, I’ve managed to get more serious about it.
fitbit zip
Fitbit is great for accountability.
If you want to get more exercise, the Fitbit is great for accountability. It will allow you to see your progress over a period of time and connect with friends to see what kind of progress they are making.
So let’s get outside and start walking more.
Listen to the show to learn more and let us know how this works for you.

This Week’s Social Media Question

Stan Dubin from Hiring Tips asked, “If you were going to start over from scratch, which social venue would you concentrate on first, and why?”
hiring tips
Hiring Tips.
Stan also said,”My area of focus is helping people to make better hiring decisions. We provide employee testing and a hiring tips newsletter. We’ve got a lot going with social media and we’re making progress, but a number of our clients are pretty new and I wanted to give them a good starting point.”
Here are some steps to take when deciding which platform to choose for your first social media marketing efforts:
  • Ask your customers where they hang out
  • Master that domain
  • Measure and track what kind of progress you make
  • Come up with some metrics
  • Measure on a weekly basis
  • Start to expand to second- or third-level social networks


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