Saturday, May 4, 2013

Why Online Reviews Matter

You know generally that reviews are important for your business, and you may even know that they are becoming more imperative every day. But with all the day-to-day business priorities you manage, how important are they, really, for you?
Answer: A lot.
A great infographic just came out on this topic with some great statistics to share here. Depending on how your reviews currently stack up, some of these numbers are good and some are bad, but all are noteworthy:
  • online reviews
    75% of reviews posted on review websites are positive.
  • 95% of unhappy customers will return to your business if an issue is resolved quickly and efficiently.
  • 71% agree that consumer reviews make them more comfortable that they are buying the right product/service
  • 70% of people consult reviews/ratings before purchasing.
  • People are 63% more likely to purchase a product from a site if it has product ratings and reviews.
  • Customer reviews create a 74% increase in product conversion

Breaking It Down

There are some overwhelmingly loud messages here.
  • First, even if you get a bad review, the way you handle that negative review can mean everything. Work quickly to make those unhappy reviewers happy again. How? Business owners who are already registered on sites like Yelp and Google reviews can contact reviewers directly; this capability is a powerful tool not only to help soften negative feedback, but to prove you care about getting concerns resolved.
  • Second, no matter what your product or service, the stats overwhelming say that what your customers think impacts new leads, so encourage reviews. Whether it’s on an online review site, your own site reviews, a real customer experience story you write after interviewing them and post to your site—all have the ability to create a positive impact on your business.
Not a week goes by that a client doesn’t ask us what else they can be doing to ensure their online success, and one part of our answer is always the same: Focus on getting more reviews about your business online. The stats very clearly show why.

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