Tuesday, June 25, 2013

How to Use Social Media to Heat Up Your Search Engine Rankings

How to Use Social Media to Heat Up Your Search Engine Rankings image sosm icon1
To optimize your Social Media sites for SEO, there are a couple of things to consider:

  • Get connected. Get out there and make some connections! You don’t go to a networking meeting and face the wall. Making connections through your Social Media sites is the first step in seeing what conversation is taking place.

  • Brand yourself. Make sure your brand’s Social Media profiles have your logo, contact information and links to your website on them. If someone comes to your page and wants to find you, you need to make it really easy for them. Likewise, on your website, add social sharing buttons. Linking your website to your Social Media sites will allow search engines to see the correlation between all of your branded pages.

  • Inform the masses. Having a great content strategy will improve your Social Media presence. Instead of posting about yourself, your company and your products, post information that people are searching for. Social Media sites now have their own search bars, so people are using them to look for answers to their questions. Also, once people share, like or comment on your content, it becomes fresh and influential on Social Media. This sticks out to search engines like Google.

  • Keep it fresh. You don’t have to view your Social Media sites as a scheduled task to do every day or week. It’s meant to be a natural avenue to connect and socialize with others. If someone comments on your pages or posts, respond as if you were have a conversation with that person. Post articles as you find them.  The more personal your posts are, the more naturally people will respond to it. (And then it won’t feel like “work”!)

  • Have a plan. Some people see the value in having a profile on every Social Media site, but that may not be the best option for you. Be sure to consider and strategize about which platforms will be most effective for you. Need help? Our free download – Supercharge Your Social Media Checklist will help you figure it out. But no matter what you do, when it comes to SEO, have a Google+ account. This Social Media platform carries the most weight in Google search results. So – make one!

As you can see, search engines are onto the power of Social Media. There are other important factors to consider when implementing a SEO strategy, like on-page SEO activities and back linking or off-page tactics.

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