Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Email Marketing Etiquette: Being on Your Best Behavior

While email marketing is a great way of attracting and engaging prospects, some people misuse it to their detriment.  Most marketers and business people just send blast emails without scrutinizing their email campaigns. This explains why they end up getting dismal opening rates and conversions. The problem is not that their emails are not great; it’s just that they don’t pay enough attention to basic email marketing etiquette.

Before you start an email marketing campaign, you should realize that it differs with content marketing strategies such as social media marketing,  blogging or online video marketing.  Now, let’s take a look at simple marketing etiquette that can help you boost your email conversion rates today.

Email Marketing Etiquette
Image Credit: Vivian Peng


Seek Permission from Your Target Audience

The most fundamental email marketing etiquette is to seek permission from the people that you want to include in your mailing list.   Don’t collect or mine contacts for internet marketing purpose because it is a violation of the law. If you fail to seek the consent of your target audience then you’ll be violating the anti-spam law. Therefore, make sure that you obtain permission to use the emails of your contacts for promotional and marketing purposes.

Don’t Buy Email Contacts

You may be tempted to buy email contacts thinking that it will increase your chances of making money online. The truth is; buying email contacts is a violation and infringement of the rights of others. It’s also a bad email marketing practice which can ruin your reputation as a business person.  Besides that buying contacts and sending them emails may also result in unqualified online lead generation for the simple reason that the recipients did not choose to receive your emails.   Instead of buying email contacts, encourage readers to join your mailing list in their own volition.  When you build your network marketing contact list organically, you’ll have a better understanding of your audience and so target your emails appropriately.

Don’t Spam Your Subscribers

As much as you’d want to send out several emails to your subscribers, you should do it moderately. Don’t send more emails than it’s necessary. Instead, send periodic emails as and when it is necessary. Some people think that sending out more regular e-mails will result in higher conversion rate and, therefore, more sales. That’s not always the case. You can still achieve higher conversions by sending out periodic emails.

If you send several emails a week, chances are high that your subscribers will flag your message as spam or even opt out of your mailing list. Remember, it’s the quality of your email messages that matter, not the number of emails that you send.  So , make sure that you test and determine the appropriate number of times for sending e-mails.

Don’t Over-automate Your Email Campaign

Despite the fact that email automation is an important aspect of email marketing, it can turn out to be a nuisance to the majority of your email subscribers.  To avoid this, you should execute your automated mail campaign carefully so that it does not infringe on the rights of your recipients. You have to make your email campaigns organic so that your subscribers don’t get the impression that you’re spamming their inboxes.

It’s not a good idea to send blast e-mails day-in-day out. It will make your marketing campaign look mechanical.  Also, it’s advisable to balance between non-automated and automated e-mails depending on whether you’re nurturing your readers or pursuing new leads.

Allow Recipients to Unsubscribe

Though the law requires you to include an option that allows your email recipients to unsubscribe, you should consider it a matter of email etiquette.  I know many people don’t want to let go their subscribers. If you find yourself in this situation then you should consider adding an opt-out form. This will give them the option of choosing which email communication they want to receive – whether newsletters, promotional mails, or special offers.  I believe this is a respectful way of showing your recipients that you respect their choices and decisions. But if the recipients want to unsubscribe then you have to honor their request as soon as possible.

Send Personal Replies to Recipients

Every time you receive an inquiry email, you should respond by addressing the recipient by his or her real name.  Don’t automate your response because it may not address the specific need of the visitor or customer. You should open and read each email and then tailor your response to meet the needs of the person who makes the inquiry.

Don’t Use Spam Trigger Words

As a rule of thumb, you should not include any SPAM words in your email subject line because it will make your emails appear spammy to readers. When your recipients notice that you sending spammy emails, they will decline to open and read your emails henceforth. Besides that, using SPAM words also increases the possibility that your emails will end up in the spam inboxes of your recipients instead of their normal inboxes. So, take some time to learn all the potential spam trigger words so that you can avoid writing and sending ineffective emails.

Proof Read Your Emails

Most people think that email marketing etiquette revolves ONLY around personal rights, confidentiality, and  respect. That’s just one side of the story that  email pundits  emphasize at the expense of another. It’s equally important for you to proof read your emails before you click the “send” button.  You can either hire a proofreader or ask someone to go through your emails. In short, if you proof your emails, you will capture any potentially embarrassing typos, broken links, and grammatical mistakes that could reduce the efficacy of your emails.

Whether your using emails for attraction marketing, customer acquisition, or online lead generation, it’s important to observe email marketing etiquette. Don’t blow your email marketing campaigns by violating the rights of your customers or prospects. Simple things such as addressing your contacts by their real names, honoring unsubscribe requests, and using non-spam words will create a good impression about your business.

As a rule of thumb, you should always show concern for your customers and email prospects by acting with propriety.  When you act appropriately, you’ll have an easier time attracting and engaging prospects and customers.