Tuesday, July 9, 2013

SEO Writing Myths That Can Get Expensive

SEO Writing Myths

SEO is fueled by quality content, so you want to make sure that your writing strategy is down pat. Unfortunately, while it isn’t easy being an online writer, it is actually the website and/or company owners that can ruin SEO writing and fall into a costly trap. Those who are not SEO writers (and even some who are) typically believe in several SEO writing myths that can end up costing a website quite a bit of money. Below are a few of these myths and why they matter:
  • Myth #1: An SEO writer isn’t necessary because the content won’t be natural.
Sometimes when people hear the term “SEO writer” they immediately assume that this particular type of writer is going to sound like a robot and ruin a piece of content with keywords. The truth is that SEO writers understand writing content that is natural, but they also know how to make sure Google bots can understand what the content is about so that they can rank it accordingly. It’s about writing new content as well as revising existing content to help get those rankings up.
  • Myth #2: Keyword research just makes it more tempting to sound unnatural. It’s best to not complete keyword research and those phrases will pop up naturally.
Keyword research is also about finding a great topic to write about and not necessarily just finding a phrase you want to use in an article you are writing. It tells you what gives you the best chance of ranking well and therefore getting the most clicks. The data isn’t tell you to use those phrases in an unnatural way, it’s just telling you what you should be using naturally in your next article.
  • Myth #3: It’s hard to learn to write with SEO in mind.
Whether you’re a writer or just a Webmaster, it’s easy to say that SEO writing is difficult. If you’ve never done it before it can be intimidating because there is so, so much SEO information out there. However, once you dive into the actual writing aspect of it (most of the SEO information doesn’t involve the writing portion) you’ll find that it isn’t as difficult as it seems.
  • Myth #4: Google is constantly changing the SEO guidelines, so trying to stay in line is just going to be a waste of time.
While it’s true that Google is revising their algorithms and how they rate content quite often, it never penalizes anyone with quality content or changes anything that would bring down the value of quality content. The basics—natural use of keywords being one of them—will always remain in tact. It isn’t a waste of time and while lots of other SEO aspects might be changing, great SEO writing won’t be.
So why are these mistakes so costly? It’s the old and now somewhat annoying saying, “content is king.” If you don’t have great content that is optimized for search engines, the bots are never going to know what that content is about for readers. If this is the case, you aren’t going to rank well and you’ll spend a lot more money going through and trying to find the problem in your site. In most cases the problem will be that your content needs to be optimized, and it would have been less expensive had you just done it right in the first place.
The moral of the story…
You need good writers who understand how to write to a specific audience, engage with that audience, promote the content via social media, and optimize for keywords to name a few. It’s as simple as that. It will take quite a bit of training and researching and reading, but these writers are the keys to online success. Whether you, the company owner, are the writer or you hire someone to do the writing, content is where your focus should be in the end.

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