Monday, August 26, 2013

Your Business's Heaping Helping of Hashtag Strategies for Facebook

hashtag strategy
Has your business begun adding Facebook hashtags to its social marketing strategy?  In a previous Facebook for business post, we introduced you to hashtags for Facebook business pages.  Now, we are going to provide you with ways to leverage Facebook hashtags and make them an effective part of your brand’s social media marketing plans.

Plan Accordingly

Because this tool is new, Facebook hashtags are not catching on with brands and consumers as quickly as other new Facebook features.  In our mind, one of the biggest reasons for this is that they are being used randomly with no rhyme or reason.  That is why our first tip is simply that your business must map out an actual plan for how it will put hashtags to use in its social media strategy, test that plan and make changes when necessary.

Back to School

Besides a lack of a plan, another reason Facebook hashtags are slow to catch on is that many of the social network’s users do not understand them.  They do not know that they can search for a hashtag in the Facebook search bar or that hashtags are clickable.  Once a hashtag strategy is implemented – for now – businesses should educate their fans on the Facebook hashtag basics and on the hashtag campaign’s purpose.

All Tied Up

Because hashtags are now a big part of multiple social networks (Twitter, Facebook, Google+, Instagram), businesses should amplify marketing efforts with cross-channel campaign promotions.  This does not mean your brand should create one piece of content and blast it across all social networks.  Instead, you should create one hashtag tied into a promotional campaign, use it in your posts and follow the posting etiquette of each social channel.

Ride the Wave

Is there a newsworthy event, trending topic or hyped-up fad that is capturing the attention of social network users on both a local or world-wide scope?  When this happens, there is no doubt that there is also going to be a related hashtag floating around the social channels.  If you can find a way to work that hashtag into your Facebook posts in a natural way, then do not hesitate to do just that.

Wider Not Tighter

To reach beyond your customer base and bring new prospects on board as new Facebook fans, you should look at using broad topic hashtags.  Seasonal hashtags are a good example of this strategy.  A post such as, “Warm up your #winter with a spiced-up coffee from #CupAJoe” will reach a wide audience scanning the winter hashtag content and also showcase your business with your specific, brand-related  hashtag.

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