Thursday, September 19, 2013

8 Ways to Improve Your Facebook Engagement

#1: Solve Problems With Photos

Posts with a simple image and a caption that shows fans the solution to a problem or a way to improve their daily lives receive marked engagement.
Whole Foods uses this post tactic to encourage fan discussions about product-related solutions to common problems.
whole foods lifestyle tips
Whole Foods boosts engagement by sharing lifestyle tips.
Tips for posting images to Facebook:
  • Larger images tend to get more likes, shares and comments. Use the Upload Photos/Video function to publish photo files directly into your post instead of posting a link that shows a thumbnail.
  • Optimize images for the 403 x 403 pixel display in the timeline. Larger images display from the center of the image, and some of the edges may not appear in the news feed unless a user clicks through.
Find a great selection of socially recommended how-to’s on Snapguide or Reddit’s Life Pro Tips.

#2: Give a Shout-out to Your Customers

People love to see their content and their friends’ content shared by brands.
Use your fans’ content instead of your own to give your post a viral push through specific communities that are close to the content creator.
Starbucks showcased a talented customer’s drawing as their cover photo, then provided a shout-out to this dedicated customer by including a link to the artist’s Instagram profile in the image description.
starbucks customer cover photo
Starbucks uses customers' art in their cover photo.
Every few weeks, Walmart creates a new seasonal cover image with photos of real people from their fan base.
Check out a recent one below:
walmart fan photos
Walmart using fan photos for its cover photo.
Tips for customer shout-outs:
  • Cross-promote your Facebook shout-outs with Instagram and Twitter to extend your reach and impact.
  • Call attention to fans who show off your products or promote your brand.
  • Capitalize on brand-related content from clubs and teams with many members to boost your shout-out exposure.

#3: Involve Customers With a Question

Every customer wants to be heard and questions let them use their voice in the form of comments.
Ask your fans to share about consumer preferences, help you name a product or describe memories and moments associated with your brand.
When Skittles asked fans to describe the moment they opened a pack of the candy, the post received over 5,000 interactions.
skittle asks questions
Skittles asks questions to engage their Facebook fans.
London Drugs asks their fans to weigh in on either/or questions.
london drugs photo
London Drugs' "Crafty or Tacky" photo.
Tips for asking questions on Facebook:
  • Keep your questions simple.
  • Relate questions to specific consumer lifestyles, such as where or how they use your product.
  • Monitor your customer feedback on Facebook posts and comments, Twitter mentions and emails to find question topic ideas.

#4: Let Them Fill in the Blank

Use a short sentence with one word missing to generate a significant amount of comments, likes and shares.
Pringles used a fill-in-the-blank post to connect their chips with a relaxing summer holiday. A bonus of this tactic is that Pringles got a snapshot of their fans’ product preferences by monitoring the comments.
pringles fill in the blank
Pringles markets using fill-in-the-blank posts.
Tips for fill-in-the-blank posts on Facebook:
  • Use fill-in-the-blank posts as a two-pronged engagement tactic: interact with your online community and get to know them better for future marketing campaigns.
  • Use the post tactic in conjunction with a specific event, such as a summer holiday or a family ski trip.
  • Awkward or funny situations get people to engage on a more personal level.

#5: Crowdsource Photo Captions

Photo caption posts combine the allure of photos with people’s love of interacting with brands they identify with.
Think about the emotion you want to trigger and choose an image that makes participating irresistibleUpload your image and write a short description that invites fans to provide a caption.
In keeping with their core 125-year-old brand, National Geographic posts the world’s best photos from experts and amateurs alike. They interact with their Facebook fans by asking for captions. This one post had over 250,000 interactions.
national geographic invitation
National Geographic invites us to do what we've always dreamed of—contribute to its photos.
Tips for photo captions on Facebook:
  • Use inspiring, provocative or humorous images for captioning.
  • To add a boost to your photo caption engagement, offer an incentive through a photo caption contest.

#6: Share Quotes

Quotes are great for engaging people’s “Me, too!” feelings. On Facebook this is especially powerful as the Like button makes it easy for fans to express that feeling. A quote can associate your brand with good feelings and create a deeper connection with your market on Facebook.
Just like Apple used imagery of iconic 20th-century personalities in its “Think Different” campaign, you can use quotes from icons to reinforce your company’s brand.
Disney uses quotes from their feature films to inspire, relate to and create funny moments with their audience. Each quote is posted with a full image to increase engagement.
disney shares a quote
Disney shares a classic quote to connect emotionally with their audience.
Tips for quotes on Facebook:
  • Tie your brand to quotes that support your campaign goals.
  • Use visuals and memes with your quotes to increase shareability—a few good sites to create memes are QuickmemeImgflip and Memecrunch.
  • Find quotes on and The Quotations Page, or use a #quote hashtag search on Facebook or Twitter.

#7: Gather Votes With Like vs. Share

Ask your fans to like a post to vote for option A, or share the post to vote for option B. Because vote counts are visible, fans are motivated to participate.
Walmart frequently uses the like vs. share post with a mashup of two competing images and a small graphic overlay of a like vs. share icon. They post the full image with a brief description that tells fans how to participate.
walmart asks for likes and shares
Walmart directly asks for likes and shares by giving their fans a face-off.
Tips for like vs. share posts on Facebook:
  • Use controversial choices that evoke strong emotions within your community.
  • Integrate your product or brand in the posts.
  • Use digital image editing applications like PhotoshopPhotofiltre or Paint.netto create your image with a graphic overlay that shares simple participation instructions.

#8: Use Hashtags

A relatively new addition to Facebook, hashtags use categorized terms behind a # symbol to increase brand, product and campaign awareness to wider audiences.
Sephora uses the hashtag “#OneQuickQuestion” to open up engagement for a campaign beyond the reach of their current fans.
sephora uses hashtags
Sephora spreads its reach with #hashtags.
Tips for #hashtags on Facebook:
  • Use tags to create awareness and engagement for specific marketing campaigns such as contests or product sales.
  • Use common terms such as #socialmedia in your hashtags to increase post dialogue and visibility.
  • Search for hashtags being used by your customers, competitors and partners to find keywords and conversations you can participate in.
Your Turn

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