Friday, September 13, 2013

Why Your Brand Isn't Ready for a YouTube Channel

branding on youtube
With 100 hours of video uploaded every minute, YouTube remains a powerhouse when it comes to social media videos. Although video is now a feature on other social sites and apps (i.e. Vine, Instagram, etc.), YouTube is still the most trafficked video-based social network, with more than a billion monthly unique visitors. In July, Social Times published an article pointing out common mistakes individuals make on YouTube. While there are tons of users on YouTube that are simply not ready to be there, the same can be said for brands.

Establishing a YouTube channel is a big commitment. Before diving right in, you need to make sure you are prepared and capable to invest. Too often do brands encounter the following problems:
1. You lack the resources. YouTube can be way cheaper than a television commercial and can result in way more views. However, you still need resources. Make sure you have a proper equipment that will produce high quality videos. To produce high quality videos, you will also need to allocate the appropriate budget. Make sure you’re thinking about these things when you’re creating your YouTube strategy.
2. You lack the talent.  If you have people featured in your videos, they need to be excellent public speakers and convincing in their roles. You’ll also need experienced employees to plan and edit the videos effectively.
3. You lack the creativity. While YouTube has the potential to replace a commercial, you should not treat it as such. Do not use YouTube as another boring way to push out your marketing message. Instead, be creative and bring your brand to life.
4. You lack the vision. Do you even know why you want to be on YouTube? Is there a goal? A bigger vision or strategy that is fulfilled through YouTube? Have these questions answered before starting a branded channel.
5. You lack the time. Once you commit, you need to be consistent. If your fans come to your channel and find content from months ago, you will lose them. Inconsistency kills. If you start a YouTube channel, make sure you are updating it regularly and you have the time to create valuable content.

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